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This game was really fun and when the spookiness starts ramping up, there were a few little scares that actually got me! I wish I'd known it was a prologue going in though-- I really hope there is more to play soon!

I found this game amazing and it left me intrigued 10/10

great game- i did have chills while playing, i need more!

This game is so good, at times I had chills! I really hope that there is more on the way, I would love to play more!


this game is amazing and i cant wait for the rest of this game

(1 edit)

great game, super cool art style and very creepy! loved it and would love to play more if there was a full game or a p2 or something <3

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When I got to the end, I though "is this 1 of multiple endings?" cause when this spooky silhouette at the beggining said to me "You should be more careful about the decisions you make." it sounded to me like "Depending on what you do, you get different endings!" Then I realised that it said in the description of the game "there is only one ending" . . .

in other words: This game is  amazing and it easily made me think its more then it is 'right now', wich dosnt mean it ist't allready awesome!

pls make more


I need more!

great game

Ícono de validado por la comunidad


Amazing 🙏


this is an amazing game OH MY GOD MAKE MORE 


Just found, and finished this game…. I LOVE THIS!!!!


can't wait for the final game!


awesome, I think it needs to have diagonal sprites, it fell like she is sliding


Awesome spookineesshitttt makes me want to diee lmao just kidding!


Amazing game. I love the spookinesses.


This is awesome. Cannot wait for the rest of the game!


it's awesome i got anxious while playing oh nice work guys


Awesome game, cant wait for the sequel!

Loved the game <3

pretty nice game and nice sounds. Keep it up . 5/5 stars

Is it done i forgot to check


Great game! I look forward to the continuation of the game!


Awesome work!!

this game is amazing! i love it!! and i look forward to  it ♥

I like the game! Its amazing! :)


Me encantó muchísimo este juego, subí un gameplay en Español para quien guste darse una vuelta y disfrutar juntos de tremendo juegazo :3

J'ai beaucoup aimée votre jeu! J'ai utilisée la version française du jeu et en est publié une vidéo. J'espère que vous l'aimerez!

spooky little game - fantastic how the pixel graphics can be used to produce such an effect

A very good horror game with unnerving environments. Really recommend to play this game in one sitting. I will definitely play this game when its out

(1 edit)

omg, this game was a whole experience, loved the animation, the plot, the dialogues... amazing. truly sorry for not being able to donate but please continue the great work

Holy cow, that was chilling...

It's great game, the best that i play this year, Thank You


Jako że lubię horrory pschologiczne i projekt kat spełnia moje wymagania to polecam i mam nadzieję że uda wam się go skończyć

Wow! What a beautiful game! I confess that I was very intrigued by the end of this prologue/demo. Honestly, I really want to see the continuation of this project! Forgive me for not being able to donate any amount but I hope this comment helps in some way! Please continue with your work!

WOW. This is a very intriguing game. I read nothing from the game's description, so I went in completely blind which left a greater shock while playing. 10/10.     I would like to see a full version, that's why I wrote this review.

Its a really good game! i love the sound effect they make whit object guys are really good at this! keep it up(the puzzles were really fun!)

Great look at what I can tell must be an ambitious project!

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