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(1 edit) (+1)

Alright, I really hope the developers will see this. Bugs and suggestions all considering the save:

If you have both Paper Lily ch1 (Itch) and Project Kat (Steam version in my case), the saves from Paper Lily gets into Project Kat, and the saves from Project Kat can get into Paper Lily's save slots. Now, that comes with one of the biggest problems I have with the game. Paper Lily save slots getting duplicated into Project Kat wasn't that much of a nuisance, because Project Kat had ~20 slots, but Paper Lily ch1 only had 3. I've lost my newest save because of that. I don't get why Paper Lily ch1 had so little slots than Project Kat (a much shorter game). Paper Lily ch1 is much larger in scale and richer in content, if you are more of a side quest do-er like me. 

So, please, fix the saves, add more saves. Or why not just make it 20 like Project Kat.



And they did mention on their Twitter (X) that PL will get 30 save slots just like PK. The save you lost is probably just somewhere in the save files folder. 

I’m not on my PC so I can’t exactly find it, but if you’re on Windows, then press Windows+R and type in %appdata% or %localappdata% (I’m not sure which one) And search for Paper Lily or Leef6010, in which should be a folder named saves. Note that PK saves are in the same folder as PL. 

Btw PL means Paper Lily and PK means Project Kat

(1 edit)

This was just as wonderful as Project Kat! It felt more polished though- I have recorded my playthrough on my YouTube channel, below is part one! I still have 2 or 3 to edit, but those will come out soon!

when will the full version come out? im too exited to just wait until an unspecified date


when is chapter 2 coming out? is it in janurary. or is that the full version of this game? maybe both?

is this and Project Kat's OST going to be on Spotify?



Okay call me an idiot but in the scene where you leave the bus somehow I kept running and running in that loop for like 15 minutes lol

Also, Sai is handsome^^


I wanna hug the MC so bad

Okay, I love this game but one thing that kind of drives me away from it is the chase scene with the lady in the painting at all. I know I might be the only one who is thinking like this but it was so fruasting for me I had to stop playing the game and watch a gameplay so I don't act in anger. Other than that the story and everything else is good and interesting.

The newer comments don’t really adress it anymore, but it was pretty hard for most people (including me), but the devs said the next update will have an option to skip it (probably like the spike minigames)

Thanks bro or non-bro

(1 edit)

That's a bit disappointing, was hoping for something more specific to avoid the chase, such as using something on the painting to prevent or slow down the chase drastically.
I get that some minigames have the option to skip, but I feel like there could be some alternative way to skip it instead of having a skip button.

Especially when there is actually an option in-game where you can use the knife or lighter on the painting, however for some reason it just triggers the same chase but does not give you the eye.

Knowing how there are a total of 3 possible eyes to get, I feel like it the lighter would let the player skip the chase while the knife could do something unique and that taking the eye is just the regular option.

I've never left a review on a game before, but this game was absolutely amazing!! I adored every second of it. The puzzles were fun to do, and something I really, really appreciated was that certain things, like the final fight scene, were able to be skipped. I wish more games would do this as well! I also love the story, the art, and the characters! They were all so interesting, I can't wait to learn about them.  I'm so excited to see how the story will progress, and I will definitely be playing chapter 2 when it releases! 

You mean the full version of Chapter 1? Chapter 2 won't be coming out soon until Chapter 1 is complete.

oh, my bad! I didn't realize chapter 1 wasn't complete, but I will still definitely be playing all of the chapters of this game even if they take a while to release! :3

(1 edit)

I thoroughly enjoyed Project Kat and Paper Lily. It took me about four hours to complete Paper Lily and it was easily the highlight of my week.

I love that the puzzles can sometimes be bruteforced and solved in different ways because I am very bad at them. I had some trouble finding a couple of items (cough, fourth blessing, cough) but other than that I thought the game was very well balanced, so that a non-gamer could still intuitively complete it. The combat sequences were very challenging but not so much that they were frustrating. They took me many tries and it was so satisfying to finally complete them. You got it just right.

Like many others here, I created an account just to write a review. You did an outstanding job and I'm looking forward to chapter 2. I told my friends about your games too!

Will the Steam release include a mac version?

Although I'm just speculating since the demo of Chapter 1 (as in Chapter 1 is not even complete yet) includes Windows, Linux, and macOS. Therefore, it should be likely.

That's a fair assumption - I'm kind of worried because the Steam release for Project Kat is PC only.

Um... it isn't though?

It is. You have linked the version while I am talking about the Steam release.

(1 edit)

The version of Project Kat is the same one as the Steam version, I sent both image.
The download and the Steam recent update are both v1.4.1. 
Hence, Project Kat is also on Windows, Linux, and MacOS resulting in that it isn't only on Steam. 

OUGHH this game was so good, the characters the story the art everything!!! i enjoyed it so much i really hope chapter 2 comes out soon :3 ( but no rush ofc !!)

Well, it can't be anytime soon since Chapter 1 is not even complete yet.

true, i forgot this was just a demo



I actually made an account just to say wow, this game is so beautiful, so intriguing, so colorful and so fun! Love the puzzles and the characters you meet, the dialogue and interactions are on point, the story was amazing, some parts are sad and had me lowkey in tears, and other parts had me laughing, small things like the coin with the vending machine gave me the giggles! ''SPOILER ALERT'' Miss Knives was a great character and her illusionary dream home was a very cool idea, and i got a theory upon getting caged by Miss Knives, after she took us captive i just stared at my ride along (sai) which is also caged, and i realized something, the way he is sitting in that cage, his red hood, black pants and shoes, i just knew ive seen this guy before meeting him in the facility, and at the end when i left through the door, my theory was kinda confirmed and i was MIND BLOWN! Wont spoil more for people who didnt notice, i think a ton of people missed this!

I cant wait for what's next, i pray that you guys stay motivated to make tons of these games! WHAT A TREAT!!!!

For some reason there is an error every time I try to download the game, could someone upload it to Drive or something so I can download it?


I can only download some games from the Itch app, rather than the website. You could try that?

It worked! Tysm


i love it so much.. It made me cry😭

(1 edit) (+1)

(this review has spoilers so don't read it if you're getting into the game!!)

this game was so amazing!!!(I literally made an acc just to post this comment, so let that be your confirmation) I loved the puzzles and the story, especially the detail of the bunnies dying as you walked past them. It was the first moment where I was like, "whoa, something is wrong with this girl!!"
I also loved Miss Knives' story, very beautiful and very sad. The environment of her dream home reflected her story very well, and I'm very curious to learn about what the writings in the library were talking about (unless it was already revealed and I just missed it lol).
I also liked the detail of being able to stab one of the kids in the last dream 😭 very unexpected!! And the art is so yummy and for what?? it should be illegal to have a game look this good.

I'm very excited to see what comes next and I hope the team in this project is working hard and taking care of themselves :D!!

Hi, Leef 6010! 

I played Project Kat a little while ago and fell in love with the prologue. I was eagerly anticipating Paper Lily as a result. I'm glad I found your creator page here. I'm giving Chapter 1 a shot and absolutely loving it so far! I like to write reviews and made sure to leave a glowing review for Project Kat on Steam! Once I finish up Chapter 1, I'll be sure to do the same treatment, especially since I know I'm going to have so many good things to say! 

Hi Leef 6010,

I've been playing your game, Project Kat several times now and I really love the way you operate everything in the game, and the art, the cute characters too! Please receive this admire from me! I just have a little problem when playing Paper Lily because I can not pass the fuse act (the math riddle inside the fuse) I've tried several times but the the number didn't turn green.  I just really want to finish the game to know what wonderful ending are waiting, so I hope this can be fixed. Thanks.

p/s: what should I do? I want to pass this part so bad.


Thanks very much! You need to make sure all 4 slots add up to 55 to turn on the elevator! ^^ Hope this helps!

Thank you! I'll make sure to finish the game and leave good reviews once I'm done!

(1 edit)

Not sure if you already figured it out, but there are 2 ways to get through the fuse puzzle (and also ~1 more route where you can just ignore the fuse part with the valves).
One straightforward setup would be that you would need to remove the fuses from the doors and/or lights to activate the elevator while the other way is that you can find the required fuses hidden around the area. I won't go into detail in case you don't want to be spoiled.

Yes thank you for your information, I already figured out where I find the key to that hidden area


Yea, there was also one route that lets you bypass the elevator by draining the water, which took a while for me to find out. 
Basically all you needed are the 3 valves and that one of it can be use twice. Honestly, I thought it was a different path that was locked for the full release.


i fucking love this game, everything from the art to the story is so good, sai is the best character in fiction. I love this game so much i made a whole rpg campain based on it. Paper lily oficial rpg sistem when???

fr i'd smash sai ong 🔥🔥


Okay  so I believe this is a bug, at the electrical panel, I put the 40 and the 15 fuses in there just like this guy did but the numbers are still red,  they're supposed to turn green. So can you fix this please? Thanks.

I have the same problem. At first I thought I had a math problem haha 


You need to fill all 4 slots to turn on the elevator ^^ (The person that filled only 2 had a buggy version of the puzzle) 

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm really a sucker for this kind of games, will be patiently waiting for c2 :)


Aside of that, in the ending scene where Sai is alone, the camera somehow does not focus on Sai (it kinda does but with an offset to the lower right of Sai), I wonder if this is a bug?

I also hope that the game notifies us when entering new territories where we cannot return back.. because I want to explore all locations before progressing but feel sad when I found out I cannot return back :(

I think the boss fight with Miss Knives is also a little bland? I expect conversations or breaks in the middle of the battle (I am referencing to Undertale). But I cannot say much about the battle since I didn't finish it (I skipped it lmao). I also understand that this is a demo, perhaps there will be fixes and improvements to the game?

In the nutshell I love the game the music the characters (they are so cute yeah) the interactions the little Kat the the the the th-

Aside of that, in the ending scene where Sai is alone, the camera somehow does not focus on Sai (it kinda does but with an offset to the lower right of Hiro), I wonder if this is a bug?

What's this about Hiro and the ending?

Oops that one's a typo, I kinda confuse Sai and Hiro often 😅


Wanted to just comment that both Project Kat and Paper Lily hits all the checkboxes for me. Cute art, characters and dialogues with a horror focus. Keep it up!

(1 edit) (+2)

I created a account here just to leave my comment and say how much i loved to play this game, first i play project kat and now chapter 1, both are pretty good and idk to choose which of them are the best, each of them have kinda a different, but at the same time, a similar vibe, idk how to put this in words, everything that i know is that i'm very excited to see more new content from paper lily, these are pretty good games, thank you for make them

Thank you! We're happy you enjoyed it ^^ 


Played through the demo and loved it and left a donation. Absolutely charming game with thoughtful dialogue. Love all the little details.

Thanks very much! Happy you enjoyed it! ^^


Streamed this game a while ago, really captivating!


WOEEEEEEE THIS GAME WAS SOOO GOOD, THE ART LOOKS SO PRETTY AND THE STORY WAS SO INTERISTING AND FUN, I LOVE LACIE WITH EVER FIBER OF MY BEING!!! i actually dont know how to praise something but i wanted to show my support for this soo-



Just spended 6 hours playing this game! And I must say that right now it's on my top 5 best games!!! Seriously, you are so talentet!!!! Loved it!!! Keep going with the good work!!! And man, this game need waaaay more fans! This is amazing and I will never get tired of saying it! Loved everything of the game!!!

Thank you so much for making such an amazing game!!! Can't wait for chapter 2!!!!


********BUG REPORT********

Im having problems, not playing the game, but showing it

Any software that records the game's window makes the game crash almost instantly, so i cant record it for videos or even stream it on discord to friends.

As far as i've seen the bug only happens on Windows 11, and the strangest thing is the logs are just... blank

We just tested recording some clips with OBS on Windows 11, both windowed and fullscreen and it seems to be working with our hardware.
We'll try to test with other configurations, but in the meanwhile if you haven't already, you should try updating your video drivers, it tends to help ^^ 


Chapter one was so well done, looking forward to playing the rest of the game and seeing what else is to come!!

When is Paper lily-chapter 2 expected to release?

(2 edits) (+1)

Probably not very soon, since they first have to release v1.1.0 (Steam version) and start their Kickstarter, and we also have to take into consideration that Ch1 only came out 5 months ago, and when we look at other multichapter games like deltarune we will find that it takes about a year or even more just to release a single new chapter (altough deltarune chapters 3-5 will release at the same time)

Deleted 1 year ago

I don't want to insult you or anything, but how do you not notice the release of a game you've been waiting for for 5 months?

Deleted 1 year ago

Well, the full version of Ch 1 would be coming out on Steam, so not a bad idea to still keep track on it

Deleted 1 year ago

Whenever I try to call the bus it always feeds back and never works, I also got a note saying that I forgot to do something(at least from what I can make out cause the dialogue goes by so fast I can barely read it) the only thing I can think  of is not saying goodbye to Hiro, but I'm not sure how to go about doing that

would appreciate anyone who also went through this helping 

Maybe you forgot to do something from the objectives? I hate to do this since at this point I'm spamming it in the comments, but if you didn't forget any objectives then check out this guide

I'm also getting this error and it seems like a softlock. I don't know how to fix it either. I definitely did remember watching a walkthrough above where they entered the same number as I did and it didn't call anyone.

so, I tried to solved some puzzle like how to get dat code on a redhouse basement door in the broken mirror along side with the prisoner, I tried to get the blue light as he requested, but I still have no idea how to get it. I read some the comments that I must give my stone cure curse potion to the candle head guy in the art gallery, well mine's candle head guy has already broken tho, I tried to give the potion to him, but it didn't working. what should I do? should I start over in the part where the candle headed man hasn't broken yet? which that's where I can be able to give the stone curse cure or sum? please help me, I want to solve all the puzzles

stone curse cure

what is this for??

It's not necessary to help the prisoner, it's just another way™ to progress around the game. Try checking out this guide.

thank you very much

You missed another head for Kozmo

I’m not sure if this was meant to be a reply to me, but I’m not the creator of the guide, It’s made by Winger785 (you can find him on YouTube by the same username)

how did you get that head? I couldn't pick that "thing" up

Hey dev team,  @leef6010

both of your games, Project Kat and Paper Lily are detected as Malware ( TR/Crypt.XPACK.Gen) by Avira, F-Secure and Gridinsoft. Maybe those are false positive but you should correct it anyway, especially since the named antivirus companys doesn't have many false positives on VirusTotal...

People like me might be extra cautious and wait for them to be fixed before playing.

I think that is because they probably don't have a licence, but it should be safe. After all I played this game on multiple devices and they all seem to be working fine


Probably. But you'll never know for sure until you risk it - I neither want to accuse anyone nor spread false information.
But not every malware begin its evil work as soon they got executed and often the devs aren't the culprit, imagine security hole in the game's engine or man-in-the-middle-attacks. But yes, some damn antivirus seem to flag nearly every binary as somewhat generic harm when they aren't certified with trusted root provider.

Well it should be safe, since it's made in Godot engine which doesn't allow the scripts to interfere with anything outside of the game files, and I also ran it through ESET and it didn't detect any danger

more excited for more chapters than deltarune and i l o v e d deltarune

(4 edits)

(View rest ↓ to see in eng)
Я прошел игру, хочу сказать, что она просто великолепна, с нетерпением жду релиз игры, чтобы перепройти ее на другие концовки. В некоторых местах она довольно сложная, но я не считаю это плохим, это добавляет игре разнообразия. Но где у меня возникли проблемы, так это input lag в конце игры со сражением с [spoiler]мадам нож[/spoiler], персонаж просто передвигается с задержкой по плиткам, если так задумано, то я считаю это плохим решением, потому что там есть момент, который просто невозможно пройти с такой задержкой, ты 100% получаешь урон, неважно как быстро ты нажимаешь, персонаж передвигается по 1 плитке за 0.5 секунд (примерно). Я потратил на это около 25 минут и так не прошел, потому что решил подключить клавиатуру, проверить есть ли там такая задержка, и когда я ее подключил, битва с босом на тот момент была проиграна, я случайно нажал пропустить XD. Играл на Steam Deck, os ver. 3.4.8 (last stable update on 23.06.2023), game build "Paper Lily Demo v1.0.4-LINUX"

Время в игре проведено: 4.5 часов.

I don't know English well, so I translated through a translator:

I got through the game, I want to say it's great, I'm looking forward to the release of the game to replay it for other endings. It's quite challenging in some places, but I don't think that's a bad thing, it adds variety to the game. But where I had problems was the input lag at the end of the game with the battle with [spoiler]Miss Knives[/spoiler], the character just moves with a delay on the tiles, if that's the intent, I think it's a bad decision because there's a point there that's just impossible to pass with that delay, you 100% take damage, no matter how fast you click, the character moves through 1 tile in 0.5 seconds (approximately). I spent about 25 minutes on it and didn't pass because I decided to plug in the keyboard to see if there was such a delay, and when I plugged it in, the battle with the boss at that point was lost, I accidentally clicked skip XD. Played on Steam Deck, os ver. 3.4.8 (last stable update on 23.06.2023), game build "Paper Lily Demo v1.0.4-LINUX"

Time spent in the game: 4.5 hours.

*At first I wanted to write this in the game evaluation, but the input box didn't allow me to insert text there (Ctrl + V), so I'll leave it here.*

Странно, когда я играл в нее, задержки не было. / That's strange, when I played it there was no delay.

I LOVE THISSS GAME AND EVEN STREAMED IT but it did take me a while to figure out what to do. I got stuck on the fuse puzzle repeatedly and had to search up a walkthrough to get the other fuse (secret 20 fuse). I got through it in the end and I'm excited to see what chapter 2 will bring to this small community. Thank you for creating this game. <3

Like this game, can't wait to play a full version

Above and beyond improvement over Project Kat, imo. A short experience that is worth paying for offered as a peek of things to come. Lacie is a likable and interesting protagonist that feels like a deeper followup upon Kat from the prologue. She's got a lot of rough edges but, she does not feel overexaggerated or mean spirited. Her quips and general social ineptitude are both relatable and entertaining. Her limited meta humor also adds another entertaining layer to her character. I love the mood that the game has going on, with an overarching sense of wonder and sprinkles of horror throughout. The tracks greatly contributed to this sense. Both the combat and puzzles were wonderfully balanced, presenting just the right amount of difficulty to keep me engaged. Despite the many paths, each was fairly distinctive and short enough to avoid confusion while backtracking. The spike minigame, painting chase, and Miss Knives fights were genuinely entertaining and way above my expectations for an adventure game like this.  The addition of a skip button after multiple fails is also nice for those who want to play this as more of a visual novel. The art style is quite unique and each character has a great deal of personality in their portraits, humanoid or otherwise. Saki is charming and I appreciate not too much emphasis being placed on his presence. The callback to Kat towards the end was nice and I look forward to seeing more of her, even in this reduced form. 

I have a few minor critiques, however. I was a bit stumped on the water color puzzle as I found the the hint of finding something to "carry" to be a leap in logic considering what was actually required to solve the puzzle. Also I noticed a minor typo when touching the paintings, where the text said "scrap" in a context where "scrape" would better fit. I feel the primal demons' presence was a bit awkward outside of the required maze. I would be exploring and just randomly run into one then load back in to just walk past that now unoccupied spot. I did appreciate that I was not harshly punished for this, but as they stand, the primal demons are a minor inconvenience at best. Their appearance feels arbitrary and there is no real incentive to avoid them as these appearances are sporadic and I can simply load back into the same spot without punishment. The maze was nice, but hearing the beast stepping closer and additional visual queues would make it a lot more gripping. Miss Knives' lack of presence during the illusion exploration sequence felt like a missed opportunity. It would've been pretty intense to see her patrolling areas around the house. It might be annoying to traverse if she had free rein over the area, but even restricting her to a section still would've been a nice change of pace. 

It would be a shame to see the Paper Lily games end with these two entries, but I genuinely believe Chapter 1 is strong enough to be enjoyed as a paid short standalone experience (although I appreciate your generosity in making both free). Overall, this demo was exceedingly polished and a welcome surprise coming from Project Kat. I hope this feedback is somewhat useful and look forward to seeing this series continue, however long it takes. It may be an ask, but I would love to give feedback on any proposed changes or further developments. 

Just only chapter 1 is very amazing! I really love the system that you've created in this game like changing sign, talking with NPC several times, or do the opposite thing but the good result happens. Also the gameplay that you put on that we fight with Ms.Knives. The artwork is also very lovely!!! I REALLY LIKE THE ARTWORK. It had to take a lot of time to design the background and the charactor. It's unique and soft. I really love every charactor in this game. 

For me, I could say that I can play this game every day because I really love to explore every single places and stuff in the game. And Paper Lilly gave me a lot of surprising when I searched something unnecessary. I love how I can't guess what it's going on after I click this-. 

Can't wait to play other chapters! I will support you as much as I can. I appreciated all the team members who contributing this wonderful game.

ps. I'm sorry if I used some abnormal word, I'm not good at English.

chap 1 was amazing! i loved it! i want to play rest of the game already ;-; i cant support the kickstar but i hope commenting atleast does some good because this game deserves it!!

Although one way to support the dev would be by paying for the game, I would feel like it would be best to hold off for buying Chapter 2 and so on unless you really want to support them.

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