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I've been wanting for the demo release for a LONG time and lemme say it did not disappoint!!

dark vibes with the right amount of weird and quirky characters, definitely waiting for the next chapter :3

So  uhh... how do i do this part?
(1 edit)

Idk. I don't think that puzzle have a right answer. This puzzle can be skipped. It is enough to use the "star" valve for the "pentagon" and collect all other valves.


If you're still stuck on that puzzle or curious about the answer, please feel free to use this guide I wrote up!


All 4 slots must be filled while also having the sum of 55


Okay, wow. I've played Project Kat for the first time a few years ago and thought: "okay, it's good for the start". And I actually thought that there will be more stories with Kat, but recently I understood that it was only the prologue. Now I've played Paper Lily (finished it in 4h omg) on a true ending and I'm really glad that I found that game. It's a great job! Though it was a little bit weird that we didn't have a lot of interactions with Sai, only a few lines. I would like to know him better than that and I hope he will become our companion in the next chapters too. 

Also... thanks a lot for these autosaves you made (I mean that stuff when you do something dumb, die bcs of that and load near to that part instead of the latest saving). I really appreciate them. 

Really liked that game and the prologue. But sometimes I don't really know if some actions are meaningful (like I didn't kill the worm that moths wanted me to kill, but I have no idea is it userful or not), which is why I'd say that you should do more stuff like "your choice is important even if it's just in the little things that won't interfere to complete the game". And I guess that's all I wanted to say. 

Many thanks for the authors of this game! It's really cool!

are there jumpscares in this game?

let's just say there is one creepy section, but with no jumpscares

i cant complete the fuse puzzle
i tried everything that i could

even watched a gameplay on youtube on the fuse puzzle and still cant complete it

what do i do?

(1 edit)

Just use the 25 and 15 from down below. If you try to pick it up a couple times it pushes past Sai's complaints.  I'm sure nothing bad will happen- you don't need lights or containment- right?

i did 40+5 & 20-10

una pregunta mi mac me dice que esta dañada 

¿no vale?

Really cool game. A little bored at knives' home, but i think that's my problem cause i'm too lazy to read texts. Also i wonder how much secret content i skipped. I remember bloody room with locked door at the bottom (i dont know what it actually is), train station, golden fish, injured rabbit, bed made of flowers and some ways with nothing in the end. Can i say goodbye to Hiro? What the purpose of red parts (I think it somehow affects red stairs, sounds logical)? Who tf is Sai? And other reasonable questions, but i will wait for other players to discover all this stuff, i believe you put it a lot like in Project Kat. Once again, great game, thank you!

Bit late to this but posting just in case.
Without going too in-depth into the stuff you mentioned;
The bloody torture room in the prison area can be accessed by finding a key in the box puzzle room after you solve it (hint: empty shelves). 
As for the injured rabbit, you could give it to the "Shadow Girl, since somewhere at the end of the demo, it hinted about giving more small animals to the girl. Not sure what triggers that dialogue/hint, but the outcome just adds more dialogue to the ending, that is unless there are more than 2 animals that I haven't found.
No clue about the Golden Fish (I'm assuming you mean the one at the Shrine), if the Train Station route is assessable in the Demo (I believe it is another way to skip the forest puzzle), or any purpose during the Dream/Nightmare Sequence with the Red Parts.

There are a few other secrets that I've found; although most of them are either another path to skip a puzzle, something that subtly changes the area, or just leads me to a brick wall (such as the "Fish?").


An unexpected but great discovery ! Really enjoyed the game some part where tricky but it was a lot of fun (Died maybe 20 while trying to run away from the portrait)  I can't wait to see more connexion with Project Kat in future chapters .

(5 edits) (+7)

   Hello, Leef6010. Ever since I tried Project Kat, I knew you (two) have something special on your hands and kept you in mind as the next "big thing" in so dear to me RPG maker-esque genre. Playing Paper Lily Demo strongly reinforced that feeling. 


    I loved everything about it:
   Lacie is spectacular, from her charming, sharp lines to her portraits, which hit the perfectionism spot for me with how cutely they are done. In fact, all characters are done so well, each leaves a certain impact.
   I loved the running gag of pointing out how Lacie is good at things: dodging spikes, passing through solid steel bars, dodging knives. And a gag of cutting things' names short: camp(fire), (lamp)post, (fire)place and such. I loved how I thought it was a mistake that "Lacie" is saying the line "You hear something unlocking in the distance" only to realize I've been played a click later. I loved how while I thought "Do you have any runes?" foreshadows a future mechanic, somewhere in a different timeline I would've discovered that saying "No" while having them shows a unique threatening Rune sprite. And how Sai saying "They aren't just lying around" was my mentality and "They kind of are" was the truth. I loved how the reward for defeating Miss Knives without Sai in the party is the smug value in a few of Lacie's lines. I loved how terrified I was to realize by the end that I have actually encountered Kat on my journey, in whatever state she is. I loved laughing with my friend in a discord call about how from segment to segment we keep gaining and losing items without ever finding use for them, some transferring to next segments, some mysteriously disappearing on their own. I loved the way the characters' laugh is presented. I loved wondering why is the calendar stuck in March, what did the nighttime letter mean, who is Lilith, wondering just how much does the line "Sometimes, you get stuck with no way out" imply. I loved discovering small details upon replaying the game, such as Hiro suggesting to tie our hair, realizing the visual implication of Lacie, well, catching the bus, a freaking secret dungeon prisoner calling Red a little b*tch, etc. I loved the fact that you've got plasterbrain on board, her affiliation with RPG maker stuff is greatly appreciated. I loved how essentially the game has a morbid story and takes place in a horrifying setting, but has a comedic, upbeat, comforting mood, with layers of mystery to go with it. I loved the 15cm door frame. Among other things.

   Not much from me here.
   -During minigames, my non-gaming laptop lagged just a bit, so I didn't realize controls aren't supposed to be wonky. Perhaps you can sneak in an advice to reduce Ingame Resolution to 1x (helped me a lot) into game over lines or something? The default one seems to be 2x and works well, mostly.
   -I must say, I failed you big time. On my own, I only found ~6/17 coins, 0/4 runes. So many of them were hidden behind parts of scenery, as it turns out! I tried to search around as meticulously as I could and thought that probably the demo won't have much hidden. Only thanks to youtube videos, I realized how wrong I was. I can't complain, the characters were dropping hints every now and then, though to be honest, with the amount of things hidden behind objects, I wish Red Tree wasn't the only push of my attention in that direction (I thought it was scripted for an item to appear behind the tree). But as someone who couldn't for the life of me figure out project Kat tutorial room alt solution, I'm probably not the difficulty scaling worth adjusting to, lol. Now when I think about it, the amount of things that had unique lines when inspected from behind should've encouraged me to discover stuff. My bad. I guess that's not really a suggestion, food for thought at best.

   Bug report:
    I wanted to provide an extensive bug report (not to complain but out of sheer love), but the amount of variables in the game is a bit too much to tackle, and I wanted to give at least something before steam release so maybe some of this will be of some use as is:

1) Typo?
I'm not a native speaker, and I'm sorry if I'm wrong, but I imagine you meant to write "chosen".

2) Locked camera.
When going from Bus Stop upwards. I didn't have this issue on first playthrough (v1.0.2), have no idea what causes it, tried out different actions before entering, no difference, the camera is just locked (unlocked when reentering), I can provide savefile. If you go further enough offscreen, the camera gets a few centimeters upwards, but remains locked.

3) Unintended primal encounter.
In 1.0.2 when I left the left door and went to the middle, I got run over by a primal at a Looney Tunes skit speed. Judging by how simply loading and not changing anything allowed me to pass through, I'm going to assume it was supposed to happen under different circumstances.

4) Others:
-Idk why, but on my first playthrough I've encountered an actually problematic glitch. Entering the correct phone number during the night didn't progress the game, it wasn't accepted. I tried reloading, didn't help. Either relaunching the game or taking a look at the phone during the day (never checked it before the night at first) fixed it, not sure.
-When I loaded and replayed the ending(1.0.4), the camera got moved to the right during Sai staying alone in the room segment for some reason.
-The Plant that wants to try Alcohol keeps requesting it after us getting the Lock pick. Patch notes mention that multiplying Jars was fixed, but I can still do that by watering this plant. Perhaps that's caused by having 2 versions installed? Unless that is a part of other alt solutions shenanigans I'm missing out on or some clever allegory on alcoholism, which I wouldn't put past you, that's a bug.

   Lastly, I just wanted to say that I will be more than happy to support your project. The prospect of you not finishing it is gloomy, and due to political situation in my region, I might never actually get my hands on the merch, but despite all of that I still think investing into your kickstarter will be entirely worth it.


3 is intentional, you just got unlucky.


A really atmospheric game with a well-developed plot and mechanics. I recommend it. Waiting for chapter 2:)

(1 edit) (+1)

The game is really wonderful!
But there is one VERY frustrating thing. It's the part where you get chased by the girl coming out of portrait. It is WAY too hard. She runs so fast that it is for me completely impossible to escape, even if I know the correct route from playthrough videos posted here... I tried multiple times, to no avail.
This part simply CAN'T be beaten and it is very frustrating as it stops me completely from progressing further in the game. Being totally blocked from proceeding by arcade-type minigame that can't be beaten is something that should not happen in an adventure game.
In a next update, the developers should definitely add an option to skip this part, similarly as you can skip the spike-dodging minigames when coming to Red's Treehouse.

Hi! Sorry about that, we saw your email as well. Could you send us a screen recording of that part of the game? We've tested it extensively and still cannot figure out what the issue is. 
Your video might help shed some light on that ^^

(3 edits) (+2)

I'm not sure about OP, but for me it isn't a bug... I'm just really bad at this sort of thing :< My reflexes aren't good enough, I think.

I run as fast as I can, and I do kind of okay at first, but when going around the corners, I inevitably slow down and she gets me... I think I tried around 20 times, and then quit the game.

I was terrible at the spikes puzzle, too. I couldn't beat it even once and had to skip each time.

It would be great to have either a "Skip" button or an alternative solution for those like me who are too slow XD Perhaps a way to cover her face, so she can't see you grab the black item? Or a way to make her fall into the dungeon room below since there's a very convenient hole in the floor...

I suppose this would apply to all similar "speed" puzzles. They're very, very hard... if you include any more in the future chapters, a "Skip" button after a few failed tries would be much appreciated! 😭

Edit: I was looking for another way (since there always is one), but burning the painting isn't good either... she's faster than fire! XD


As soon as I will have some time I will try to send you that. However, my experience is the same as @laura_m writes below. I don't see a bug here, she just runs too fast.

Hello, it took me quite a time, but I was finally able to return to the game and record a few of my attempts to escape from the painting girl (on two different routes). It happens more or less so every time...

As the file is quite large, I have put it up on the Web on my server:

just keep going left

(1 edit) (+1)

She's crazy fast! After turning a few corners in my attempt to stay left, she always gets me :<

I guess this is up to the player's speed and reflex skills... mine aren't good XD I tried the spikes puzzle, and was really bad at that too. I died almost instantly each time and had to skip it.

Wait- did you know that holding Shift=Run?    The girl is fast, but really shouldn't be catching you that quick if shift being held.

(1 edit) (+1)

Yep, I know about that! When I'm running straight, she's at a little distance behind me. But when I go around the corners, she doesn't have to go around them (she kinda just cuts through a bit), so she always catches me.

A skip button after three failed tries or so would be good! I tried over 20 times and just gave up finishing the game XD It was quite frustrating.

Oh no. :(
I'm sorry.  

Also, sorry if comment came off as stating the obvious- Is no tutorial in Paperlily, so I thought maybe someone who hadn't played Kat might get tripped up.    For the running, I suspect the difficulty of the puzzle might be like... computer dependent, as the level of lag etc plays into things.

Best of luck!

(2 edits) (+1)


Agreed! I can't outrun her! When turning the corners, I slow down, and she always catches up with me.

But there's always another way... right? Maybe there should be an option to find something to cover her face, so she can't see you taking the black item...or a way to open the cage ceiling, so she falls in and becomes trapped? If not, I like the idea of a "Skip" button too.

Have you tried running diagonally?
Doing that saves a lot of time than just zigzagging.

If you can't do that, I recommend changing your binding keys.
I couldn't sprint diagonally until I changed the binds and it helped me a lot with that chase. 

Hi there! Thanks for the advice! I'm not sure what you mean by running diagonally, though? Wouldn't Lacie just stop if she runs into a wall/corner block?

Right now I'm using SHIFT and the arrow keys. When I use the arrow keys to go around the corners, Lacie slows down, and I often make a mistake and get stuck at the wall. Even if I don't get stuck, the corners really slow me down and I get caught.

(1 edit)

I haven't been able to complete this game for 5 hours now. I really like it, but it lacks tutorial and maybe there is a bug that doesn't allow you to go further. All I have left is an impossible puzzle in the electrical panel and most likely a valve behind bars in the laboratory, where it is not clear how to get.

Edit: This puzzle can be skipped. It is enough to use the "star" valve for the "pentagon". I've tried every possible option and there doesn't seem to be a correct fuses location.

(1 edit) (+1)

So, as a couple hints:
1) I can confirm, the game is possible and not broken.

2)Have you played project Kat? If not, that game is something of a tutorial for this one.

3) there is ALWAYS an alternative way of doing things.
Hence, for example, the fuse puzzle is perfectly possible if you are willing to pull out a few of the fuses from below (you don't NEED everything powered). 

4) Getting behind the bars in the lab is useful, but not needed. (Also, there is no valve there).

There are guides to get you through elsewhere in this comments section if you need them, but for now I'd encourage you to try without.  Good luck!

(1 edit) (+1)

Even that you don't need indeed, you can have everything powered if you want. I was able to get all the fuses that are hidden in the facility and power on everything. You need to get a screwdriver to be able to get to the room where one of the fuses is, through the vent in the archives. And to get the screwdriver,  you need to find two runes and give them to Rune (in exchange for the first rune, he gives you the facility map, and in exchange for the second one, a screwdriver). One of the runes is hidden in the facility, but for the other one, you must get it before you get to the facility.

(1 edit) (+3)


You can skip this puzzle if you want. Rather than fixing the elevator, you can focus on draining the water. For that, you need to turn all the valves in that room (until you have four green lights).


I spent a while searching for the pentagon valve, but there isn't one (that I know of)! You can simply use the star one instead.

As for this puzzle, I think you need a "20" fuse. I never got it; I assume it's behind one of the locked doors, but I didn't find a way to open any of them. (Sorry, I know that's not much help!)


Fuse 20 is behind the locked gate in the lab (the room with bones, operating tables etc.) and the key to that gate is hidden in the archives.

Deleted 316 days ago

there is a pentagon valve in 2024


The pentagon valve does not exist. You have to use the star valve in both locations (star and pentagon). This is somewhat tricky, I think I wouldn't be able to do this without the hints from this forum.


Agreed. I think there should be some sort of hint for this. Something like Lacie saying "I don't think there are any more valves around... maybe something else will fit here?".

Otherwise I'd just keep searching for it and think I'd missed it.

i have pentagon valve but im missing the star valve :(

There is correct



For elevator

Problems are only creatures, buttons what you have after that 10 and 40 you must give it in this 4 spaces somehow


I can never seem to outrun the eyeball lady... a skip for that would be nice ^^

(3 edits) (+3)

Absolutely adored project kat when I found it a long time ago, and was extremely excited to find this game while browsing. The art, and soundtrack really resonate with me, and the dialogue/interactions and settings really draw me into the game. Definitely the most excited i've been to play a game in a while. On another note, there feels to be a sense of the writer's growth in the style of the dialogue, and the art is a lot more stylized, expressive, and a little prettier, as opposed to project kat; The skills of the team have obviously matured, which I really enjoy to see.


I'm not a quite 'big' fan of horror games, but this game changed my mind of playing horror games, It became one of my favorite games to play ^^ I can't wait for Chapter 2 to come out!! Sai and Lacie both are very cute too <3333

(3 edits)


Hi there,

I've run into what seems to be a bug with the valve puzzle. I have put 40 + 15 in, but the elevator won't open. I checked on YT, and it seems this is how many were able to open the elevator, so I'm not sure what's wrong?

If this is not a bug, could someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I've tried making it 15 + 40 instead, and also moving the 40 or 15 to the second row to no avail.

Thanks! ^^

Hi there! You need to fill all 4 slots in order to power up the elevator! 
(What you're seeing on youtube is a bug from an older version of the game, where you could solve it with only 2 ^^; )

Thanks! c:

(1 edit)

почему нету русского языка?


Не волнуйся, будет русский язык, я лично сделаю русификатор, просто для Project Kat они сделали отдельный инструмент для перевода текста, а в этот раз придётся подождать, пока они не выпустят первую главу полностью (сейчас можно скачать только демку, в которой из-за обнаруженных багов некоторые фичи урезаны), поэтому нужно чуть подождать - я думаю, что где-то неделю, может чуть больше, может чуть меньше

(2 edits) (+3)

At long last, the Finale is here! Witness the spectacle for yourselves!

Edit: Don't forget to check out this guide I worked on!


Wow tysm! How long did it take you to write that?

A couple days on and off? Maybe 48 hours total or something, not super long, but my friends did have to deal with me nerding out over it for most of the week XD!


That's actually quite impressive!


Why thank you froggo, it was my pleasure to have done it!


Nice, that guide seems to have explained pretty much everything that I've missed; such as the Pentagon Valve, the use of the rainbow potion, the lavender flower location, giving the firefly jar to the girl, about half of the coins, the flat screwdriver, etc. 

However, there are a few things that I found that you could add:
1. You would also keep the Bag of Chips after the Forest Maze, and I remember using the chips instead of a bucket of water to get rid of the plant.
2. Although unnecessary, the Square Valve can be used as a Diamond and vice versa. (Seems more obvious than using the Star Valve for the Pentagon slot)
3. In the Painting Lady Room, you could actually use the Lighter or the Knife to burn or stab the painting. Although I would expect it to have prevented the chase scene or made the Painting Lady chase slower/easier, instead it still triggers the same chase but without giving you the eyeball.
+. Although this is likely a bug, I found that you only need at least 1 Jar of Paint to obtain the Sketchbook. Any Jar of Paint (Red, Yellow, Blue) will be taken from the inventory, but the remaining Jar (whether empty or filled with water (or maybe pigment)) will be kept in the inventory.

Also, I haven't tried this yet, but I heard that you could give the "Fish?" from Alba to the Shadow Girl.

Finally, other than the Number 375 ticket (which is probably for the full Chapter 1) and the Fish that I mentioned, what about the Bucket found in the Facility?


Wow. That was a great play. 

1st: Sai, you liar. But I suppose he was just like any other being on the bus, or he is also looking for something there or he simply belongs there. He kinda reminds me of Security from Ann.

2nd: Omg, was that Kat at the end.

3rd: I'll be following this project, can't wait to see what comes next!

4th: Either Lacie and Kat went to the same school or the uniforms are just very similar in their area.

5th: Lacie reminds me of Rachel gardener, the blonde hair, blue eyes, black and white outfit and personality.

I loved this game 100/10 I can't wait for its second chapter to be released

can anyone help me find the rug where i can find the third key, my sister and i are going insane trying to figure it out or redirect me to a video that showcases it since i cant find one 

also i loove the art style and mini details, i played the prologue and i love it!!!

keep up the good work <3

Deleted 1 year ago

Played both Project Kat and this demo, really fun game, loved the interactions and the setting. Definitely neat that you can get through without solving every puzzle, makes me excited to replay.


the best game ever i love it


leef6010 can you please do a little reference do dio brando in rune's carachter?


great game, my favorite carachter is dio brado(rune, i called him that because he was allways saying "ohhh")


this game is incredible! i got kinda ticked off by how easy picklocking was compared to project kat but im not complaining, the minigames were awesome aswell! i would love to see this game grow!


Thanks for playing! :D
(Actually, the lockpicking was easy because Sai is good at it ;) The difficulty of the minigame will depend on the character you're playing or the lock of the door)

that's a fun detail!

oh god im screwed in the future then

Can someone please tell me how do i get the 2° black item? i mean the color table, i don't know how to pick up it and it's hours that i'm trying

You cannot pick it up as a black item, you need to solve the puzzle to unseal it before it can be picked up! 

Here's a handy dandy guide if you think you need specific instructions!


I LOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH!! I enjoyed every second of it. I can't wait to see more of it. Thank you for making such amazing game like this!


AMAZING 10/10!! 

I streamed it on twitch and it was super fun and interesting. 

The art, the dialogue, all of it was awesome. 

Thanks so much for all of your hard work!


When on Steam??


Soon! We're adding/fixing things at the moment :) 
We'll post the specific release date on twitter (and steam) when we have it! 


Spooks and Thrills! Shivers and Trembles! Part 4 is out now for your entertainment!

I will touch on the fact that some people seem to think of the game as not scary enough or that deaths were insignificant, but remember, the version available currently is an unfinished version of chapter 1. I encourage those people to play the steam release when it comes out as I believe there will be a decent amount of differences, such as Achievements, Collectibles and Multiple Endings, so all those "pointless" deaths will finally be able to get their chilling resolutions treated properly!
(1 edit) (+1)

Okay, so, finished game, and lots of thoughts (And feels!)

Uhhh... so first off, the game is fabulous, absolutely enjoyed, great characters (RUNE! I love Rune so much! Rune is the most adorable demon.). The Art is lovely. The music rocks, characters are fun. We got to see our Girl Kat again. Fabulous.  Puzzles are good and fun, and I already know that this was while playing the "Standard" playthrough, and that there will be all sorts of alternative solutions to those puzzles once I try for alternative endings (So many unexplored locked doors!)


Sai is suspicious as all fuck, and I love it. (Did he knock you out in the stairs? I'm pretty sure there's no one else available who COULD have knocked you out)

I'm... going to play around with some critique, not to give crap, but just because it sounds like you are working on polishing things, and maybe it will be helpful.

Something that really stood out here compared to Project Kat is... I died a lot? Like A LOT. Death was cheap- you just get killed "You died. Retry?"   And that.... creates a *very* different tone to Project Kat.  Like, at the end of Kat, death is *heavy*. Actions have consequences.
 Chpt one leans more on jumpscare, less on creeping dread?   I think it also leads to sort of... when you win, its like "Well yes, THIS Lacie survived, but 100 others didn't" - it feels less Lacie wins through being smart, but just through the power of save scumming. 

...I'm not entirely sure where to go with that though, as the death and danger are an important part of gameplay, It's just something I noticed. Whether you *should* change anything is a question I'm not sure of, but figured I'd flag it as "this is a thing."

I wish the results of burning things in the wrong order were more than just "Game over, try again", though I do like the phrasing "You have made a terrible mistake".   EDIT: Oh- apparently the alt endings will be in the full version. Never mind them, looking forward to it!

OH! The clocktower room. 

The clocktower room that Sai can't enter is magical. I love it.

That room by itself just does like... so much work to sell this sensation of "Rituals are weird and mysterious and *no one* knows how this works", which I think is super important in a game like this... and having moments even Sai is flumoxed by is really nice.


Thanks for playing and for your nice comments and suggestions!

Yes, as you've noticed in your edit, we're adding endings, and most of the concerns you mentioned will be fixed when that update is up ^^ 

You've also noted some very interesting things that have to do with the story. I wish I could comment on them, but we'll have to let the next chapters speak for themselves instead ;) 

Nice- looking forward to it.

Oh! When you put it on steam (or here?) will their be access to the soundtrack? Am really enjoying the music, especially impressed that it changes so often. (Moth Camp tune is favourite.)

i decided to try playing a prank on the prison monster and removing fuse 25 after a door appeared to block off the dungeons. this did not stop it, and i nearly had a heart attack XD not brave enough to try and find out what's in those cells now lol

Looks well made, but I'm not gonna play it if it's just another cheap tragic ending.


Well, how would you know the ending without playing?


well you see in the end of the game kanye west becomes a giant spider and father putchi becomes a used napkin after that she excapes with  a guy named marcelino. The end😁😁


and dio brando dissappears after jocka gets unleashed from his jail


and thats all after the game were kira yoshikage gets mortis

Amazing TT

(4 edits) (+2)

*spoilers alert*

This game is really really good, the art and music and evrything is awesome. The music really helps setting the mood right.

One thing i like the most is that there are so many details in the game. 

I always interact with every block in rpg games in case i miss something, but normally there woudn't even be a respond if i check the seat, desk, bookshelf,tree,etc. I am so happy to find that almost every little thing in Paper Lily is interactable. Lacie can sit on every seats in game, all  the little light switches in her house, doors you can close after you leave...

They are all just little details, but they make the game feels more realistic and fun to just wondering around checking everywhere while listening to the beautiful music, I absolutely love it. The optional things to do (like using the red lipstick) also make the game feels more real instead of only give you items you need to proceed. 

The story is really touching too, like the memory of miss knives, and how Lacie coudn't say goodbye to hiro to finish the to-do list.

Also, I like that a lot of items are not hinted at all, it is a little hard to find but it feels more real. Though some things  picked up dissapeared due to story proggress, like lavender and rabbit, it's a little sad to see them gone. As for coin and rune I found 3 runes and 8 coins, they are quite tricky to find, i wonder how many i missed. 

(Well i read the guide and apparantly I missed a lot and an entire story arc in the forest. Sad.)

Still, there are some things in game I didn't finish, like the curse lifting thing in Red's tree house, or the valves to lower the water, I wonder if it's intentional or just not finished?(or i missed something)

Overall the game is super good and looks promising, I look forward to chapter2,.

Thank you for the good game you made. Nice work.


the knives mini game part is so hard tho


Thanks for taking the time to write this and for your nice comments!

The curse lifting in the forest as well as the valves are an alternate way of solving the puzzle in that respective area ^^

We're happy you liked the game!

ty :)


I haven't even finished download yet, and having played Project Kat, I know this is going to be amazing.  So excited to finally see it out. Screenshots are beautiful.

Also- thanks for making it Linux Friendly. Plenty of games don't bother, so is much appreciated.


Come one, come all, to Part 3 of my blind playthrough!

Also, be sure to check out this guide I worked on for anyone struggling!

Special thanks to the unofficial discord gang for giving me the heads up about some interesting tidbits I missed on my own! 


*spoilers bellow*

in the true ending kat dies


Kat does actually appear in Chapter 1. Well, some form of her, anyways.


guess i've found my new favorite game

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