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I just finished the game and thought it was amazing, good job.


I love the art style and visuals but there seems to be a glitch where I can't get past the section of calling the bus. Even though I put in the right symbols/numbers it still doesn't progress the story, I even searched up a guide for this part and still can't get it to work. I'll try this game out later into the year when its completely released. Other then that, it was a good experience from the short time I was playing. 

Hi there! I'm experiencing the same thing. I can't get past the "Add salt" step to undo the  ritual. If you've found out what to do, kindly do tell me. I can't seem to find a game walkthrough on this issue either.

Hello!! I just restarted the game and I was able to progress normally after deleting my save file that I made before, I would suggest doing the same. After restarting, the game worked very well and I didn't encounter any bugs / glitches. 


minor spoilers ahead  

I personally thought that the first ending/route that I got was the only one accessible, even if just in the demo. I'm absolutely amazing by the game so far; the UI, the art, the music, the characters, the world, basically everything. I have fallen totally in love and I cannot wait to see what else is in store. Can't wait for the KS to drop either!!!

Been waiting for this! I love how it hearkens back to Project Kat and I love that the puzzles have different solutions. Gives it lots of replay value. Artwork and music are amazing, the difficulty level is a little inconsistent but I'm sure you'll work that out. Thanks for the wonderful game-- you do great work!

I can't play it on my mac book :(



does anyone know if the speed of the painting lady in miss knives home was changed since launch? i've been stuck on this part for an hour now,  but whenever i look up walkthroughs, she barely even catches up with them. im doing every single movement the same, but she gets me no matter what, so im wondering if it was made harder or i just really suck

I only bring this up because I didn’t realize it myself until way deep in the facility, but are you aware that you can sprint with shift? Aside from that, I’m not too certain about the difficulty adjustments.

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yes im aware aha i guess i probably just suck. i dont think im gonna get past this part though, so i'll just watch someone else play through the end.


Ig it was a bit of a long shot sorry I couldn’t help :(

(1 edit)

Question!!! (may contain minor spoiler): 

I know it’s not necessary to beat the game, but despite my best efforts I couldn’t solve the code for the little box in Miss Knives’ bedroom. Is there anyone who knows that can give me a hint on how to solve it? One thing I tried was counting the paintings with keys, but that didn’t really work out.

You're on the right track.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for the reassurance! Had to go back to my save before the facility just to take a crack at it again. I was able to solve it pretty quickly afterwards— really don’t know why I didn’t try that from the get-go. My problem was that I kept trying to enter the numbers from the two floors separately.


Same. It took me quite a while because I was overthinking it.


018 is the whoops spoiler


can't wait for the full release and to find some stuff i missed in my first playthrough! 


what's the blue light everyone is talking about?! How did I finish the game without needing it?..


You didn’t see it because it’s completely optional. In Red’s Tree House there’s a room beneath the carpet. Here you’ll find a character, who in exchange for help, will offer you a shortcut to the light house that doesn’t involve going through the forest. This character will request a blue light, which you get in the form of a blue-flamed candle from the candle head statue in the Sculptor’s House if you de-petrify him with a potion made in the tree house. Won’t work if you took the candle from the statue before hand.

oh man spoiler, but thanks


There is always another way! solve puzzles :) 

Thank you for making another way to solve that ungodly spike minigame:)
I wouldn't be able to finish the game otherwise...


Quite an impressively polished experience. Wonderful artwork, amusing dialogue, a world full of weird ideas... this is exactly the kind of RPG Maker-esque experience I love.


Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it ^^


I finally made it to the finale of chapter 1, overall I had a great time with this game :). I can't wait for chapter 2, and seeing how this story plays out. The cliffhanger really got me at the end! That's a great way to end a chapter! 

Thank you Leef


I really love the game! I love the developer create personality from each character, and also I'm enjoying to dubbing every character in the story XD. Just for my feedback I think it's better to adding a footstep in your game. Overall it's a good game!!
I split the gameplay into a few part, this is part 1. I hope you enjoy it ^^


Everyone :  I finished the game! 

meanwhile me : *trying to escape the picture ghost lady in miss knives home for the 100th time*


Hi, I wanted to ask if you can tell us already when will it be released on Steam?


We will be posting a devlog with more info on this very soon! Thank you for your patience ^^ 

I use a mac and it says the file is damaged  :')

i cant open the file :(


mb, thanks though!


AHHH I just finished it! I love the direction this game is heading at. Seriously, did you do a ritual to come up with this stuff????

I love the art style, the new minigames were a bit tricky but fun, the story got way deeper, lovable characters (Except for that random primal) and overall a great game.

I have encountered a few bugs here and there.. Though, since I played on V1.0.0, I don't mind, game developing seems very tough and I'm sure they've been patched on the newer releases. 

Even so, I got my time's worth and an overall 10/10.


I still can't get over Ms Knives' backstory, Sai voluntarily being left behind, Kat and the gang and Lacie's curse.. But I'm sure everything will make much more sense as time passes by.

Anyways, that's all I have to say.
Wow that was long, cheers!


Thank you for your nice comment! Glad you enjoyed it ^^ (and yes, many little bugs were fixed in the following versions)

(2 edits) (+2)

Question: (contains spoilers)

Earlier in the game I accidentally destroyed the statue guy, and now I’m trying to get through the keypad door underneath Red’s house and I need the blue light :’) Is there any other way to get the code for the keypad without the light? I’ve been playing for quite a long time since I took the candle and I don’t really want to do everything all over again. 

(I’m aware that I can go through the north/east gate, but I would prefer not to...)

Also I really love the game so far :) 


Sadly, the candle man was your only option for the blue light :') 

i can't open it with this key lmao



Spoilers I guess?:

I've played well over 4hrs of the demo release, mostly trying to find all the hidden secrets crammed in like I did with project kat. I think I've found most of the placeholder alternate endings, and I'm pretty intrigued to find what actually happens cause some of them seem pretty vague/random. Couple of questions tho. At the facility, is it possible to open the doors labeled "kids room" and "the glen" on the map, and can you access the 4th floor on the elevator or is it just there for flavour. Also, is the player able to open the shutter door at the train station. If you use the scissors it mentions that they're not strong enough to cut through metal bars, but the bolt cutter doesn't work either.


The locations you mentioned are indeed inaccessible!

Will they be added in a later update?


I played the first (I think) version of Project Kat long before the steam realease, and I absolutely loved it. Since that day, I had been waiting for years now for the first chapter, and I just finished today. And it was even better than I expected. Can't wait for the full steam realease!

Keep up the great work <3


Thank you so much! ^^


After replaying it again, I can't believe the amount the details I missed on my first playthrough! It's sooo good!!

I was curious if there is any plan uploading the music to youtube or any other platform? I'd absolutely love to listen to the soundtrack  outside of the game. (But totally understand if that's not a concern at all, the devs must be pretty busy with the kickstarter and the game!)


Glad you enjoyed it!
We will make the soundtrack available as soon as possible! 


This was a lot of fun on all fronts - the art, the music, the writing, the gameplay. I kind of wish there was some way of tracking the different ways to solve puzzles, since there seems to be quite a few this time around.

I'm looking forward to future releases. I have a hunch about Hiro, but we'll see if I'm right.

This is brilliant!!! I can't wait to see more from this game, and from you devs! 

You're planning to add here other translations like in Project Kat?  I'm from Poland and i don't know if i can wait for it in demo version Paper Lily :D

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi, opening translations will only be in the full version, we will be translating the game to Polish with MegoBari, if you are interested in translating the game to Polish with us then please contact me on discord Tegron#4152

Cześć, otwieranie tłumaczeń będą dopiero w pełnej wersji, będziemy z MegoBari tłumaczyć grę na język Polski, jeśli jesteś zainteresowany tłumaczeniem gry na Polski z nami to proszę skontaktować się ze mną na discordzie Tegron#4152

(1 edit)

Man, this game is awesome, tho I've experience lag and screen tearing, is my laptop not powerful enough? what are the minimum requirements?
Also, will the prologue merge into the game or will they be separated tittles?


For the screen tearing, you can try playing around with the FPS Limit setting to see if it improves it, as for the lag, we're working on more optimization! 
Regarding the prologue and ch1, for now they will stay as separate titles. 

(1 edit) (+2)

The game ilwas beautiful i love them both (Project Kat and Paper Lilly) Did a gameplay of it as well


Beautiful  game. I still cant find a way to lower water levels on the facility site

it seems you can finish the game without doing it. Which kinda doesnt make sense...


im on my third playthrough of this game rn (I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT <3) but i was just wondering if there is any way to get into the locked rooms in Lacie's house? 


Thank you for playing!
Regarding the locked rooms, not yet! This is for future chapters :) 

(1 edit) (+1)

okay thanks, looking forward to the final product! :>>>

(1 edit) (+1)

TOT!! This game is beautiful ♥

Sai is beautiful
Lacie is beautiful

Rune is so cute ♥

Other characters are beautiful and so is the environment!

The bond, interaction, and the way they talk to each other I think is its strongest suit in the game. It felt very immersed and natural. Although the puzzle is a bit challenging (I hate puzzle lol) it gives more intensity to the game ♥

P.S: Rune and Sai are my fave character ♥

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omggggg its here!!!!! finallyyy aaaaaaaa  *downloading noises*



How do i install the next version? Do i download it then replace the previous file? Will that keep my progress?


thats what I did and it worked just fine ^^ so yesss


Rune is absolutely adorable, 10/10


aa, THIS GAME IS A MASTERPIECE!! I REALLY LIKED THE ART AND CHARACTER DESIGNS, ALTHOUGH i have some trouble getting past the spike minigame at the treehouse, especially my game lagging and my keyboard being slow, does anyone have any tips? 


Thank you!
We'll release an update soon where we reduce the difficulty of the spike minigame and offer a "skip" button, if you prefer to wait for that ^^ 


Really fun game! I feel however that it's biggest strength (and also project kat's) is the dialog between characters. The best storyline in kat for me was the girls in the club, and I really like the interaction betweeen Lacie and his brother, and Sai. Also, you really need to nerf those minigames xd, it should be possible to beat them without having to memorize the attack pattern.

For me the biggest detriment are the forest puzzle and the miss knives puzzle. The things you have to do are not obvious and I had to go interact with every pixel, go try every possible combination. I don't know if its something typical of the RPG genre, but it feels wrong (and almost dropped the game for it).

Btw, I think I found a bug in the miss knives puzzle, I got softlocked, unable to access a room to collect an item. Luckily had recently saved the game, but if someone doesn't they might lose a lot of time getting to that part again (considering is at the end of the game). Don't know where to report it though, so maybe you can help me with that.


Thank you for playing!
Minigame nerfs coming asap! As for the puzzles and the softlock, we'd love to know more details about it. If you'd like, you could send an email to so that we can take a look at it ^^


The game was very fun and very good, I loved everything about it, the story, the characters, the art and the soundtrack and the puzzles were very fun to get through very enjoyable experience

If I play the demo, is there a chance that I might miss things that get added in later?


We won't change anything major in the storyline for the next version, but we'll mostly be adding the dead ends and polishing some details. It's up to you if you want to wait to have that experience instead! We'll be posting a devlog shortly with our plans going forward, so that should answer more questions! 


I love the anime style graphics and the story was very interesting and well written. I made a short little video to showcase it. Great work!

Very good game love it

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