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amazing game thank u


nice game love the lore and the changing of art styles cant wait for chapter 2


Good! I'm pretty sure devs will love it :3


Netflix live action version


Les dejo el video de Youtube en donde también podrán encontrar los enlaces de descarga en el comentario fijado.


Hola a todos, eh realizado la traducción al Español Latino!!!. Les dejo el enlace a mi guía en Steam en donde podrán encontrar los enlaces de descarga y el proceso de instalación de este parche en Español.

¡Espero y lo disfruten y porfavor corran la voz de que ya hay una traducción en Español!


Cool , may i ask you the technical details about  how you made the translation ?


I loved this game so much! I played Project Kat last year and kept thinking about what Paper Lily would be like. I ended up taking a long time to play this game due to lack of time, and in the end, I was really surprised by its quality!


i love this game sm


This game really shouldn't be free. It's absolutely incredible!

(1 edit) (+7)

cannot believe this game is free this is a masterpiece


This was great! I really loved the art style and music, it's even better than the first game. The protagonist is also very precious and I want to protect her, unfortunately I'm dogwater at bullet rush type things. There were points where I got stuck but not too many, mostly at the end. I'm looking forward to chapter 2!


para cuando la traduccion en español


when is chapter 2 comingggggg????


Guys, you need to create a discord server against twitter (x).


The last battle was epic

I wish you good luck with the development of the second chapter

The only critique...slow down the dialogue during the cutscene, please


fast dialogue is a feature in dialogue based games , it's supposed to throw the player in "wait what !?" mode


I love the style of your character sprites! I've been looking for something inspiring all weekend and this is it!  Thank you :D


El sistema de pelea me ha gustado mucho ha sido refrescante y divertido. Además gracias por dejar saltar la persecución xd

the game was fun until those [SPOILER] rising heads i'm here for the story not to solve puzzles

same with the maze and the big monster


this game is a bit about solving puzzles. plus (at least for me) they are fun and enjoyable to solve!

I mean yeah, they're fun but I wish there was an option to skip them yk


why are you playing a puzzle game if you don’t want to solve puzzles

i didn't know it was a puzzle game


If you don't want to play the game you can just watch a playthrough




one of my favorite games i played, the worldbuilding was incredible and i had so much fun exploring and solving the puzzles! i was shocked when it ended because i  wanted to keep playing.. can't wait to see chapter two and what the devs come up with! :)


I didn't realize this was here, as I have the game through steam! I noticed the listing while looking for other games for my channel. I've completed almost an entire playthrough, and this game has definitely earned a spot as one of my favorite rpgmaker games. I played project kat initially and expected another short playthrough,  but was pleasantly surprised to find out how long this game actually is. I can't wait to explore extra endings! Attached is part 1 of my playthrough.

This is is really good !
W RPG game !


Wow,it is so good


Just the peak itself in a videogame 🙏🙏🔥


Don't mind me , i'm just gonna leave another positive review for no reason , however this time i want to score the game by category

Story 10/10

Art : 11/10

Puzzle Design : 10/10

Characters : 11/10

Atmosphere : 10/10

Game Flow : 13/10

Minigames : 10/10

Symbolism and Themes : 15/10

Dialogues : 10/10

Fish : 99/10


100% true


omg i forgot music , let me fix that

Music : 12/10


Played the game  because of Kat Project. It was enjoyable until the "battle" sequences. Maybe I am old, or maybe it's my motor issues but the "jumping" around combat sequences felt way too fast to figure them out - I skipped every single one after 3 tries. Thank you for this option really, otherwise I wouldn't be able to enjoy the story otherwise.

(1 edit) (+3)

i think it would be more precise to say "it was enjoyable except the battle sequences" , saying "until" implies that what follows is also not enjoyable wich i don't think is what you are trying to say.


Ah ok, I am not native English speaker. It was good story game overall!


This is one of my top favorite games, the plot, the characters, soundtrack, the art❤️ I can't wait to see the future chapters and hope you are also making time for yourselves. Such an amazing game, thank you so much for such an amazing game 


Just got the good ending, one of the best games I've ever played! Only thing was that sometimes I was really lost and had 0 idea on where to go, but aside from that everything was incredible! 

Good job yall!

(1 edit) (+2)

Hello, can you please tell me if the game is gonna get a French traduction ?If it does get a traduction, is it gonna be soon enough so I just have to wait a little longer to play it in French or not ?

I wanna play the game so bad my little brother has like 40 hours of playtime on it (he would love to play it traducted too) and I already played Project Kat (very good) but it makes me even more impatient now ;-; answer me please i'm begging you ;-;

Anyways keep up the good work

Thank you

- A too much hyped French guy

(2 edits) (+2)

I'm fluent in both (native french speaker) and probably could make one but if it would require altering the code beyond just replacing the text i couldn't do it. Honestly fuck it we ball, i'll send an email, if i can just get one more guy to discover it, it's worth the effort


Turns out you need to have worked on project kat or to have translated 2 other games before to make an official translation, sent an apology email, i'll try to find out how to edit the files and make an unnoficial one if i can figure out how to change the text


I'd love to play but too bad i have an android 😞

You installed an android based OS on your PC?

No, why would i, i know it doesnt work


The game was awesome!!! I loved it! It got me hooked up until the end.. everything abt this game is good.


AH I love this game so much!! I have almost finished it. Story is amazing, it is hard for me to play but thats prob bc i havent played much RPG horror firsthand. Music is amazing, love how it fits in the area you are in!! Backround is also amazing- would love to be in the game myself. ARTSTYLE IS SO CUTE!! genuinely got me simping for Sai (pls i want to marry him)


beautiful game I always play it every day when I have time to find something new or get an ending, it’s entertaining


dare I say one of the best horror rpgs of its time?? waits impatiently for chapter 2


this is the best game i've played after all

(1 edit) (+4)

completed all the endings a month ago. time to replay :D

edit : now i'm proud to say i finally 100% this game. unlocked all the doorknobs, runes, interactions, secret paths, and (almost all) coins. thank you for creating this game, i'm still not changing my opinion that this is the best game i've ever played.


Hola quiero hacer la traducción de paper lily al español al menos para que los jugadores de latam podamos jugar sin problemas, ¿qué herramienta puedo usar para hacer la traducción?
(CECHAMO81) contacto de discord

(2 edits) (+2)

Hello Leef 6010 fans! I'm thinking of starting a fandub of Paper Lily and Project Kat. This is not a paid project so it would be volunteer work. I'm a huge fan of this game and would love to put something together for it. We will need voice actors, editors, and a director! I would direct myself but I'm more a voice actor. If anyone is interested in helping the project or just watching it's production you can message on discord (marvell_07), or comment on one of my youtube videos (Marvell_Vods).


cant believe this is free, too good to be true i love you


i ever played the game. And i came back because i heard this game updates for a few things, and as expected. ITS SO GOOOOOD!!!!

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