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You may call yourselves two idiots, but I think of you as two geniuses! This game has me hook, and I can't stop obsessing over it! I can't wait for chapter 2, it's gonna be so good! Keep up the great work!

My rating: Infinity


Would it be possible to have a French translation plz


A True Master Piece never before seen in Media , a Majestic creation born from a Elegant mixture of Symbolism , Emotional Tact , True Craftmanship and an Injection of Love that cannot be matched in any creation within the realm of human endavour.


Это не просто игра - это своего рода шедевр! Игра проста великолепна. Стилистика, история, сюжет прекрасен. Игра затягивает с первых минут и не замечаешь, как просто влюбляешься в этот потусторонний, сюрреалистичный мир, как переживаешь за главную героиню. Этот мир хочется исследовать снова и снова, находить секреты и другие пути решения задач. Спасибо разработчикам за эти пережитые часы проведённые за этой игрой. И огромная просьба... Не затягивайте с продолжением... Жду его с огромным нетерпением!!! :)

i cant get past the forest pls help

go north, dont run a lot, dont proceed if u dont have bolt cutter yet

There is a gate, though it's slightly easier with a bolt cutter.

stay in every bush for at least three seconds. 

the heartbeat sounds increase the closer the monster is to killing you.

the sounds decrease over time in a bush.

guys i want to record my game, but i cant restart the game, can someone help me how to delete my game proggress?

(1 edit)

delete the zipped file and unzip the og file idk

Already, but its still save my proggress

delete and download again try i


Hi there! Just delete the contents of the %APPDATA%\Paper Lily folder to reset your game to factory settings and delete your save data. 


oh yeah what folder btw

I guess the whole folde


click on the "save" folder and delete the slots that u wanna delete

Just start a new game, then you can just save over it.


This was extremely good! While the start is a little slow, especially with that really terrible stealth section in the locked area, the whole climax with Misses Knives really makes up for it! It was for me the most visually pleasant area of the game, and the character of Misses Knives is a fairly original concept and her backstory is very well executed! Overall the graphics have a lot of charm, with good puzzles, very nice character design, and interesting lore set up!


i love this game sm 

im so exited for chap2


Chapter 2 when? I'm suffering from waiting  TAT





This game is so good and so well programed! Keep up the good work! 💖

is there a way to open the mirror next to the prisoner without breaking it?


no youre supposed to break it

well i thought so initially but if you choose not to then lacie implies there might be another way


when is chapter 2 coming??


We need chapter 2

(1 edit)

I'd like to be a speed runner with rows of ???

Wow, this game is so great. I love the characters. Especially the new one. Looking forward to seeing more!


oh my gosh seriously enjoyed this so much!!! i absolutely loved project kat and loved this very much too :)) i can't wait for chapter 2! thank you for keeping rpg maker games alive

Deleted 299 days ago

this game is made by godot btw


reaching the end of this game was so worth it!! love to see more lacie content in chapter 2 with sai as well!!!

Why would you wanna see Sai again? He betrayed Lacie in the end, remember?

prob bcs we didnt see the full reality of his character

he did? can u tell me how he betrayed lacie im just asking x_x

I just beat the game again, and I realized that he didn't betray her. I thought she used a different door knob, so I thought Sai was trapping her. After I beat the game again, I realized that it was the return door knob that she used, so I guess he didn't really betray her. I don't know why I didn't realize it was the return door knob she used in my first playthrough, so that's my bad.

thats ok !! everyone makes mistakes so dw :)

It was just the way that it looked. Maybe Sai doesn't want her coming back, so he's trying to protect her. I hope that when they make chapter 2, they make it so Lacie and Sai meet again. It would be pretty cool if they could become friends (or more than friends), since they make a great team.

cant wait for chapter 2 ! definitely going to play it and i'll happily pay for it if i need to.. only 2 people made this ? wOw , keep it up guys 

I agree, I would definitely pay for a chapter 2, extremely awesome game

This game is getting interesting. Part 2 out now!


(1 edit) (+11)

i solely created an account just to comment on this game lmao

i've following since the demo release and project kat, i can say the completed version looks amazing :3 the dead ends were nice (stop killing off sai please my heart doesnt like that), the soundtrack is top tier, the puzzles are great, the graphics r well done and sm more 

i also like the "there is always another way" mindset in this game, it makes the game more charming than it already was 

for a free game this is like perfect like literally this IS the ideal game in my head, everything is just great. I hope chapter 2 isnt free because you devs are doing such an amazing job and i think you guys deserve more money than just from the supporter pack, like, seriously. You guys deserve all the support you are currently receiving i love this team sm 

im looking forward to chapter 2 release! take care of yourselves doing so <3


couldn't agree more

The application for Mac keeps getting flagged as "damaged" after I download it. :(


go into terminal on ur Mac and find the path you need to get into the game files

the command should look something like this (or at least does for me)

cd Downloads/Paper\ Lily\ Chapter\ 1\ v1/

(the initial stuff doesn't really matter, just as long as you get to the game folder)

Then, because Apple is a lil piece of garbage, ya gotta tell it that the game isn't malware, in this case just doing this command after the other should fix it I think

xattr -d Paper\ Lily\ Chapter\

if that don't work maybe try this one as well

chmod +x Paper\ Lily\ Chapter\

if you downloaded the game directly into your downloads folder you can, in theory, literally just copy paste these lines into the terminal in order

This is basically all off memory and I'm just procrastinating homework by doing this but hopefully this helps ya, it's a great game!

Well, that sucks :( 

Maybe you should use Windows. Mac sucks, so you should just sell it or throw it out. Windows is better, so it would be better to get one if you didn't already.

uh I don't know how to equip the lantern/cellphone during the locked site can I get some help?

I think its automatic,  you dont need to equip then. if its dark there, then you still need to do stuff before you go there.

its still dark even if I have the lantern.

Did you already catch a firefly to put inside the lantern with the Bug net that you get from giving a rune to the Rune Guy?

yes I did

In last case, there is another route you can take to avoid going to the forest, but at this point , you better off checking a walkthrough.

guys I fucked up. SPOILER!!:

I’m in miss knives place and I was supposed to give the woman in the large painting her eyes back but I took her eye instead- now I can’t go inside the painting and get the knife to cut the human foot off- I have to start all over. I really thought I could play without a guide but I guess not- can someone tell me if there’s another way or did I permanently fuck up??


I think there are other ways to get the eyes, you have one in the cauldron room in a jar and another in the lamp on the library. Try with those two. 

okayyyyy 🫠


the part where you take the painting is necessary to do, once she starts chasing you you have to just go left every turn, she wont be able to catch up to you, after the scene ends you can get the knife and then you can use it on the foot :

i couldn't get through that, i had to skip it, but i didn't get to the room where the knife is


im sure all you have to do is to go thru the same room again to get the knife? when the scene ends youll need to go inside the painting lady room again and get the black object 

OR youre talking about the KNIFE itself not the black object, to get the knife you have to interact with the black object and ask sai to cut himself to get the knife

I can’t find the first rune in the secret passage there’s a swing but no rune?

I think you have to go behind the swing to get it


You need to put the coin in the machine that's inside, then after losing your coin, keep hitting the dialogue button and then eventually you will have that option to kick it and getting the rune.


thank you so much  I was looking for forever !!!! just beat the game. <3

absolute banger of a game, cannot wait till second chapter after seeing the ending
beside i'd love if you make a video out of some of the sceneries in the game and just shove all of your bgm there, all of them were haunting my head for a week after i finished the game

thanks for russan translation

I finally got around to playing this game, and so far I really love it! If I'd noticed the supporter pack I would've bought that too... I'm not overly familiar with how works; if I paid five dollars for the game, willing paying three more be enough for the pack, or did I need to pay all eight at once when I bought the game in the first place?


Thank you for playing! Happy to hear that you like it!

If you already paid, you only have to add the difference ($3 in your case) :) 

(1 edit)

Oh, that's awesome, thank you so much! And yeah, I love it. Started replaying it again last night, and I'm already noticing things I overlooked last time. $3, coming your way!

edit: I think I may have screwed it up on my end. I have the game two times now but no pack XD  As long as you got the full $8 though, I guess that's the most important thing.

Sorry for the delay, we just saw your edit. Very sorry about this! Please send us an email at so we can send you a key ( doesn't allow direct messages to users).

Oh, sure! Thank you :D


HI!! I really love your game, keep up the amazing work!



This game is so creative and well-made!! The whole idea of having multiple ways to solve every puzzle is done so well and makes the game so much more complex and interesting, I love it! 

Another thing that really stood out to me was the detail put into the bad endings. Usually bad endings are just quick "whoops, you made the wrong deicison, now you die!" but this game uses it to expand the story and world, and that's just so awesome! The fairy ring ending in particular was incredible, but also the detail of the ending with the fish, and the ending with the bus... it was incredibly cool.

The artwork is beautiful and the various minigames are so fun!! (Even though I'm really bad at them and usually had to skip after a bunch of tries, but hey I'm very thankful for the option to do so lol)

There's clearly so much love and effort put into this game and the result is absolutely amazing. I'm very excited for chapter 2 and may have to replay some scenes a third time in order to find the other methods to complete things :D


Simply excellent!! Easily made it to my top 3 fav indie games. I loved playing Paper Lily and getting to know the different characters & their stories!!

MISS KNIVES <3 Que jogo meus amigos! Parabens pelo enredo ! Quase chorei KKK


This game is my life, I love Lacie, I love Aoi, I love Little Kat, all of them. I cannot express how great the characters in this game are.

(1 edit)

i was in the bunny area and i found a shinny that i couldnt get, its across the river in the hidden area but theres no way to get the shinny. If i could have some help that would be great.

if you need more help[ finding it its to the left of the fishing pole and once you're in the new area you take the first down

That's easy. Give 2 runes to Rune, he'll give you a bolt cutter. Use it on one of the fenses in the locked site (the one in the middle). You'll get out of it and will be able to collect the shiny. Hope that helps

thx so much 

I've played for a few minutes and unfortunately my potato laptop can't even handle games anymore.

So, I'd love to have this game ported for android, I'd really like to know the story of this game

It's a 2d game , have you downloaded the 32bit version ?

Sometimes large games written in Godot runs poorly even if its 2D because of GDScript. And 32bit emulation on 64 bit is worse, may be good 32 bit on 32 bit system.

How unfortunate for you :(


Finished the game and holy moly this game was so much more then i anticipated already! the music is a superb banger, the gameplay is challenging and fun (even if miss knives was a bit much for me took me more then an hour of retrying qwq xD)

and the story is captivating!!

LOVE IT, again and again ill say it, its great!!


omgg its so prettyyyy and cutee!! is the mirror an undertale refrencee..?

I swear I was just clicking the lamp for 3 minutes straight wondering if it was an eater egg loll

also fk u for the alarm clock jumpscar

What alarm clock jumpscare?


I'm only halfway through this game and holy moly this game is amazing!! the music, the dialogue and the art work is just beyond amazing!! I'm constantly amazed that this game is free!! you guys have really out did yourselves!!

This is my second episode!! how does this game just keep getting even better!!! I have to say that fairy ring puzzle was hardddd!!! took me a while to figure out the pattern!! if anyone is seriously stuck check out my video and head to 8:02 for a tutorial!! i have definitely went the wrong way around this game hahahaha! but I'm loving every situation I've came across!! I cannot wait to see where i end up in the end!! Check out my series if yall like! 

I wonder if there is a way to survive the fairy ring.

very cool game aaaaaaaaaaa

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