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The best game since I born!!!!!

I love it.

But it's a bit scary QAQ.

I wish Chapter 2 can not so scary.





Interpretation: "Bruh, it's a horror game, that's the whole point."

I know

but I scared QuQ.


pfff ur like Aoi fr

What does QAQ or awa mean?????

It's emoji~

Oh ok


emoticon more like


10|10 ⭐
   In the midst of the usual Uni chaos, every moment of free time I had until I reached the credits were spent playing this game. It was a wonderful experience :D
   There was never a moment I wasn't fully immersed in this game, which is note worthy since handling fantasy type world building can often be tricky.
   The Soundtrack was beautiful and illustrative to the game scenes, the characters had interesting three dimensional personalities, each zone had hidden details and mesmerizing  visuals... I really enjoyed the novel moments when the art would get more detailed and especially the fact that I could control when the next image would show up (it let me take my time looking at the character).
   I was not expecting this level of detail from a demo, so I was positively surprised to see, time and time again, how much work must have gone into this game  - as well as passion.
   I'm looking forward to playing the next chapters and to supporting this project! :3 I can't believe this was all put together by two people. Keep up the amazing work!!! 


The game is amazing

I can't believe how it's free.The music,the character design,the's all amazing!

I have,too many questions about the story

(1 edit)

Very interesting game and great artworks. Love the visuals. TWO ENDINGS HERE: 

Another Ending 

(1 edit) (+1)

hay guys, anyone knows how to delete save files? beginning to make some confusion  between them

(1 edit) (+1)

If you are on mac, then go to finder, then use the toolbar at top of screen, click on "Go", then click "Go to folder", then put in "/Users/username/Library/Application Support/", with your username in place of "username". 

then find paper lily folder, and inside is a save folder.

For windows and others, not sure, but should be similar. 

(1 edit) (+1)

didn't work but thanks anyway bruv


Could you specify what didn't work? 

just not finding the folde


nvm man found it


In windows it is in a folder called appdata, you can go directly by pressing Win+R and typing %appdata%, hit run and look for the paper lily folder, then simply delete the files in the save folder.

I wrote this using translator so sorry if you can't understand it.

nah bro just not finding paper lily

nvm found it

one small question tho do i need to delete all of them or should i not touch the BAKs or the vallve sources?


Idk, if it is in the appdata folder it is most likely a save or configuration file, you can delete the entire PaperLily folder if you want, it will be recreated the next time you open the game.

The save files are the .sav files and are usually called "slot1" "slot2"

(1 edit) (+8)

I wanna share this theory i made about the final villain of paper lily , took me quite a bit of thinking , i hope somebody likes it  :D 

The Final Villain of Paper Lily REVEALED *THEORY*

Let's list all of Hiro's suspicious activity and based on that we can guess a resonable motive.

1) He's oddly enough an intellectual and into mystic and folklore just like Lacy.

2) She gives Lacy a CellPhone that can call to another dimension , it would be more accurate to call Lacy's cellphone a Magical Artifact.

3) Mentions a very spooky poem about the age old question "How to predict your fate ?" dealing with the most important animal in the game Crows .

4) Also briefly mentions a folklore story about Eating the heart of a witch

5)In the "salt is for cooking" ending , he is seen missing an Eye and is injured in the abdomen after the ritual fails

In the forest talking with Lacy on the phone

Hiro : "How are you ? How are you calling me ? Are you back ? Did you find out-"

This line makes no sense , Hiro gave the Magical Phone to Lacy and for some reason he thinks she shouldn't be able to call ? He quickly asks if Lacy "is back" meaning that Hiro thinks that Lacy shouldn't be able to call unless she is "back" in the human world.

But this implies that Hiro is fully aware of Lacy being in another dimension , this fact has strong implications on Hiro's true intentions , because why would the Ultra Protective Brother let her sister travel to another dimension filled with human eating demons.

i can guess some possibilities

1) Hiro doesn't care about Lacy safety and is EVIL

This is unlikely because Hiro had every chance to harm Lacy for years , why did he not act ?

because he is not evil , that's my guess

2) Hiro cares about Lacy safety and actively helps her to achieve her goal in the demon world

So we are left with a shocking logical conclusion

Hiro that we meet in the house is not the same Hiro we talk with on the phone

Let's call whoever is talking on the phone with Lacy as Fake Hiro

This would explain how Fake Hiro is surprised that Lacy can call , and most importantly never asks the most important question that any worried brother would ask. Where are you ?

Now let's question what triggers the attack of the demon in Lacy's house , you might say "well that's easy , interrupting the ritual triggered the attack"

i disagree

The demon is ALREADY in Lacy's house BEFORE she interrupts the ritual ( the demon footsteps are present as soon as you wake up at midnight) wich means that Something else triggered the presence of the demon , i think it can only be 1 thing , drawing the eye on the door as part of the ritual.

You can notice that the specific action of drawing the eye on the door Triggers the call of the neighbor ! He is watching us from the windows !

(from my testing the conditions to trigger the call of the neighbor are 2 , the door has to be painted with the eye AND the lights need to be off , the creep is watching ! after these conditions are met i believe there is a RNG activation when you enter or exit a door)

btw if you need further evidence that the presence of the demon wasn't caused by the interruption of the ritual there is proof in Lacy PC in the Devil Eye forum posts , the post from 11 months ago from pklurker says "Any tips for the bus ritual ? i started it the other day but couldn't go through with it , after i finished the preps it felt too real , still wanna try it at some point ! ".

You can deduce from the post from 7 months ago that the user "Kasaju_86" ( the same user that warns to get off the bus before the end of the line) agrees with me , interrupting doesn't cause any harm.

Here my guess of the logistics

The Demon possessed the Human neighbor to watch Lacy from a distance , noticed Lacy starting the ritual when he saw the Eye on the door and decided to act because she was about to go to a location harder to reach, this made the Demon accellerate his plans , he possessed Hiro and likely had a fight with him and decided to Kill Lacy that night.

So in the timeline where Lacy takes the bus , Hiro fights the demon and still gets possessed.

Hiro was likely a deterrant to the demon acting his plan at any point prior to the ritual, also the ritual likely amplifies the ability of the demon to possess a human.

As to why would the demon kill Lacy i have only 1 guess

Hiro : "Eating a witch's heart can grant any wish"

The Demon wants to eat Lilith's heart !!!!!! ( remember Lilith is inside Lacy )

The Demon and Lilith might have some type of evil distorted love story , The Demon was looking for LIlith heart in the human world probably for a long time.

Who is the lover of Lilith in Folklore and some religions ? a certain demon , his name... the name of Hiro's and Lacy's Killer ! ( in the bad timeline )


Does this name ring a bell ? well we have Lilith and her Human counter-part Lacy

and now we have Samael the lover of Lilith and Well.. who is the lover of Lacy ? Sai !

Lilith and Lacy

Samael and Sai

So in conclusion, we reasoned that

1) Hiro is still possessed by Samael in the good timeline

2) Sai is related to Samael in some way

3) Samael wants Lilith's heart

4) Samael is an evil demon connected to all the important characters in the story so far and is likely the final villain.

I hope you enjoyed the read :D


i made a mistake , there is no special condition to trigger the neighbor call , the rest still remains valid , i guess the trigger for the demon attack is simply the ritual ( of course regardless of the ritual being interrupted or not ) , i NEED more info on the neighbor , he's up to something for sure.


But Rune said possession was an outdated concept or something like that... Though Rune is always leaving out important details or telling half-truths.


Outdated makes me think that only the eldest and most powerful demon still do it !

Aniway today i noticed that Hiro in the second call in the facility bathroom refer to Lacie as Lace ( without the i) TWICE , spelling mistake ? or intentional :D

I thought it was a nickname.


that sounds pretty awesome, great analysis!
I can't wait to see the truth unfold :0


Hi there!
Already a big fan since Project Kat, i would like to translate your game to Vietnamese, if you guys agree then i can help you

(1 edit) (+4)

Sai my love. Sai my life.



i've played the game through like 5 times and every single time i find something new, and never get bored. The soundtrack is so beautiful (I wish it was on Spotify so I could listen to it every day TT). I love the whole "there's always another way" because it opens up so many possibilities that makes the game so much more enjoyable.  I am absolutely in love with the lore and i cannot wait for chapter 2.

(1 edit) (+2)

A wonderful game! The game was fantastic, everything about it was amazing! It's a nice horror game. 

I love how the facility music really makes going around the place unsettling. I don't understand this feeling but a part of me  just really likes  this song, It sounds really nice while at the same time, it makes me have a feeling of unnerving which is something I really like about the song.  Anyways I really like the music in the game! (Lacie's theme probably being my favorite) The music does a great job at setting up parts of the game.

The gameplay was fun! The puzzles were fun to solve and I like the complexity of the puzzles. The battle at the end was also really fun. I like the upgrade it got compared to the demo.

The story is also really interesting, I like it. I really wonder where the story will go in the next chapters. I also really like the characters, they are all amazing and I'm so glad we got to save Aoi.

100% my new favorite game! 

i really like it too!wonderful game !

bruh u like this game indeed

can't wait for translations!

this game is great! 
This game is great, I'm gonna make a series of it. This is the part 1 but I am already excited what ending I've get. If you have time please watch it. Leave a Like if you enjoy
(2 edits)

Hey, I'm a little confused on how to get the lighter into Miss Knife's house. I've been stuck there for a while and just can't.

Dose somone know how to get it?



There’s a hallway beyond the locked door that you can hear someone singing behind. It leads to another hallway with photos of the blessings. You have to put the photos in the proper order then click on the last one to the right and it should catch fire and drop the lighter.

And how do i get in there?

And thx for the help:)

I don’t remember how you get it, but there’s a lock pick you need to find and give to the guy in the cage, then some time after that the door is opened when Miss Knives leaves the room

you know the mrs knives badroom right?

there's a code for the key. you can check the password on the wall every floor on mrs knives house, if i not wrong the code is 801. and if i not wrong you can use the key on the miss knives locked room before. but u must go to the "spiderV2" for the puzzle. i'm kinda forgot about that puzzle good luck


after cleansing all of the cursed items, you need to talk to the small spider dangling near the "pool" of water. Then head to where miss knives was singing behind a locked door, the door will be unlocked. rearrange the items to be in order of the story told from the painting beside the "pool". then you will get the lighter

very charming game 


"a good horror game will keep you thinking about it for a while after you play it, but an amazing horror game will send you into a depressive vegetative state after playing it"

-the fat furry guy

This game has caused me permanent emotional damage, i was crying the entire miss knives battle, i have been left with the emotional strength of a wet tissue and yet made me apreciate life more, and that is just the miss knives part, the game has incredible EVERYTHING, the story, the characters i will take a screenshot of each and put them on my wall, the entire story has hit me like a bullet train and i will never recover, and i mean that in the best way possible

overall 10/10 fucking incredible one of the best games i ever played in my life

very good, i love it

esse jogo ta muito top !


Played this with my brother.

I just want to say it was absolute cinema, good luck with making rest of chapters, I am waiting for more.


The only word to describe this is masterpiece. Paper Lily is incredibly ambitious and delivers more content than you could imagine in just one chapter. I spent 11 hours playing through every last bit of it and getting all of the "endings". The side quests are so fun, and the alternative ways for moving forward are brilliant. I can't get over how much there is to do - it's so satisfying as someone who likes to click on everything I see.

Compared to the demo, the enemies and settings are scarier in this version, which I love. I liked intentionally letting out the primals to spice things up. The art is simply gorgeous, and the characters are lovely. It was cool to learn about how the characters were developed from the supporter pack. I can't imagine how much time and effort it must take for only two people to make a game of this caliber. 

Even though this is just the first chapter, it is definitely one of the best games I've ever played. Highly, highly recommend.

just finished this game and i have some questions.

how many chapters will there be?

will the steam version have the sopporter pack included?

and also when is the steam version expected to come out?

as for the game itself. it was among the best horror games ive ever played. the story is very interesting and actually enjoyable. the characters were loveable and cool (especially Rune). the gameplay probably is the best when it comes to horror for me, its so genius that there are multiple ways to do most things, since it makes the player more likely to figure out what to do, while also giving it alot of replayability. this abundance of things to do is also how i found alot of the endings (only needing a guide ending 9 since going back to the vent was not an idea but still a good ending). lastly for the horror, i found it great. the forest section was very effective. and despite the fact that i can confidently run to the second closest bush. i still feel terror going through it. the in the train track section, i kinda assumed i was gonna be avoiding trains, but a simple puzzle is alright.

td;dr great game. cant wait for chapter 2



I can't wait for Chapter Two!!!

(Take your time, of course, don't overwork yourselves!!!)


Hi there! If you'd like, I can translate the game into Spanish :)

não canso de dizer como esse jogo está top !


best game ive played so far exited for the next update!!!


do you have already a release day for chapter 2 and is chapter 2 still free then?

Great game, I really liked it. Very professional.

Very good game.Love comes from China QWQ


it's magical. congratulations to Leaf 6010 and all who contributed

(2 edits)

there are two things i still don't get and can't find in the guide:

what's the empty jar for?

how does the order of spikes in the safe route match the numbers given in the guide except for the first gate?


You can catch fireflies in the jar (with a bug net)
As for the safe route, the order of numbers changes visually on the pad, so you should memorize where the spikes appear and where the numbers are

the fireflies go into the lamp in my game.

i couldn't see any numbers though. could you be more specific?


Que jogo íncrivel! Vocês pretendem fazer um pacote de tradução para este capítulo?

I want to play this game in my phone because I don't have a PC or laptop please do something and 

I really like that story

(4 edits) (+3)

Out of all the endings I've got, death by getting eaten was the worst isn't it? Reminded me of Re zero and a novel I read...

And wow the fight with Miss knives got harder! I didn't get the potion for 3 lives and had to fight the hard way out 😆

And it looks like we got a glimpse of Lilith or one of the bosses for upcoming chapters in Sensory overload dead end?? That surprised me the most and didn't think I'd die there (ʘᴗʘ✿)

Dead End something I actually regret, doing it made me feel guilty... 


Waiting for translation......

Maybe to create a video about quick entering is kind of fun.

Because there's always another way? I don't know. O.o

Fantastic game, for such a tiny team, the amount of care and polish that went into this is amazing. Will definitely replay this, once the secrets and multiple endings are re-added.

Looking forward to Chapter 2!!

I LOVED the demo of this game which I tried out upon its release, now I'm finally enjoying Chapter 1 while playing it on stream!

it says I can't open it. That it is damaged if it helps I am on a mac

Try installing it using the app.

I LOVE THIS GAME!!! I wanna play Chapter 2 now!

MY GOD THE WAIT REALLY WAS WORTH IT.  thank you leef for making a truly wonderful game!!!! suffice to say ive found a game i can obsess over for weeks!!! i am  SO excited to see where it goes from here !!!

(1 edit) (+1)

What is this about cabbage everyone been talking about? Coz I've only seen 1 line that talk about it or am I missing something. 

Btw love this game soo much. Bought the supporter pack for both project Kat and Paper Lily Ch. 1

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