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Que jogo íncrivel! Vocês pretendem fazer um pacote de tradução para este capítulo?

I want to play this game in my phone because I don't have a PC or laptop please do something and 

I really like that story

(4 edits) (+3)

Out of all the endings I've got, death by getting eaten was the worst isn't it? Reminded me of Re zero and a novel I read...

And wow the fight with Miss knives got harder! I didn't get the potion for 3 lives and had to fight the hard way out 😆

And it looks like we got a glimpse of Lilith or one of the bosses for upcoming chapters in Sensory overload dead end?? That surprised me the most and didn't think I'd die there (ʘᴗʘ✿)

Dead End something I actually regret, doing it made me feel guilty... 


Waiting for translation......

Maybe to create a video about quick entering is kind of fun.

Because there's always another way? I don't know. O.o

Fantastic game, for such a tiny team, the amount of care and polish that went into this is amazing. Will definitely replay this, once the secrets and multiple endings are re-added.

Looking forward to Chapter 2!!

I LOVED the demo of this game which I tried out upon its release, now I'm finally enjoying Chapter 1 while playing it on stream!

it says I can't open it. That it is damaged if it helps I am on a mac

Try installing it using the app.

I LOVE THIS GAME!!! I wanna play Chapter 2 now!

MY GOD THE WAIT REALLY WAS WORTH IT.  thank you leef for making a truly wonderful game!!!! suffice to say ive found a game i can obsess over for weeks!!! i am  SO excited to see where it goes from here !!!

(1 edit) (+1)

What is this about cabbage everyone been talking about? Coz I've only seen 1 line that talk about it or am I missing something. 

Btw love this game soo much. Bought the supporter pack for both project Kat and Paper Lily Ch. 1

(1 edit)

Hey developer. Well.... I have play it! The game so fun to play even though my brain explodes. AAAAAAAAA!





Heavy Spoiler Warning!!!!!!!!!!!

Is there anyway for Sai to go through the paper lily door or is that the cannon ending ?

(1 edit)

i dont think so. since in the unupdate version. the little screen thingy for the save for chapter 2 showed the house but in a sunset seeting. so it wouldnt make sence for sai to be able to go with you in the door

Cannon ending but we'll get to play as Lacie again so I suspect she ends up going there again...I remember seeing a castle when we had to get the boat paddle so maybe there

I think dat "castle" is meant to be the lighthouse not sure tho

I might need to play again I already forgor what it looked like I only remember it looked like it was made with glass or ice

no. you got the only "true ending". all other endings are "dead ends" that involve dying except for going home through the first cursed door.

i'm sure you'll see sai again in chapter 2 or later. his mannerism in the ending seems to tell us that he knows more than he's letting on.

This is one of the best games I've played in a while. The storytelling is amazing, and the amount of content inside of this game is insane. The secrets are hidden just well enough to figure out on your own so you don't have to look up a guide every time you encounter a new secret. I can't wait for part 2 !!!!!!!!!!!


I loved the game! I didn't knew anything about the game before playing, i thought it was going to be a cute game until i was eaten alive by that bastard. The characters interaction are really nice. Thinking back now, my least favorite part of the game was at the closed site area, after i noticed that following the trail was the wrong way i went northeast and i bumped on that monster and died, i thought i was just too slow so i did the same thing and i bumped on that bitch again, so i thought that was the wrong way, but that was actually the right way, anyway i did pass the closed site and had no problem after that. The best part of the game for me was the blind women lore and her house, that was really good, it really made me feel bad for her.

Very excited for part 2!!

i forgot to give rune the second rune and after playing around with fuses rune is gone. is there a way to proceed now (i was forgetting i must open the inventory instead of just speaking)?

what's the deal with the lamp and the candle? is there a way to put the candle in the lamp to use it as light in the forest with the monster? i passed through the forest and even found a coin seemingly without any light, or was i using my cellphone without noticing?

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for some reason a solution for the elevator with the fuses doesn't work for me but it works in youtube walkthrough


You might be looking at an old video that had a bug in the fuse puzzle! Make sure you fill up all 4 slots and make them add up to 55.

yes it was a solution with only two slots occupied

1: what does the sopporter pack do

2: i have already donated 10 dollars (around late summer-early fall was when i did that) but still. why is that?


The supporter pack contains a few pages of concept art, character sheets, wallpapers, maps of in-game locations, and some assets from the game.

If you already donated 8$ or more through the Paper Lily page (thanks so much!) then you should be able to download the supporter pack without donating any more!
If your donation was through the Project Kat page, then it's the PK supporter pack that you already have! 


just checked and the sopporter pack also isnt available for PK. but its fine because ill either way get the steam version once its out


I absolutely loved this game! It was sooo cute, while still being able to have this scary ambiance that gave me goosebumps! 

The story is also really interesting, and I had a really good time trying to solve the puzzles! Some are hard, and others are *really* hard, while still being really fun to solve!! (plus, you can even skip some, so my 3 brain cells could be at peace after 30 minutes of hard thinking--)

Overall I recommend it 100%!!

(Hyped for chap 2 <33)


Thank you! ^^

How do I get the rainbow potion to work for the boss fight??? I have Sai and I drank the potion before I went into the area where Miss Knives house is but I'm still not getting 3 lives for the boss fight mini game.

There's a second rainbow potion.

Talk to spider again.

Thank you. I didn't know that there was a second potion but I talked to spider before he was small and when he was turned into a small spider but both times he didn't give me the potion. Does it maybe have something to do with the extra pot by the plants or am I missing something?


No you just have to talk to it.

(1 edit) (+4)

Now that the full chapter 1 is out, It's amazing to see the changes.
All the different ending and secrets to find.
Glad the Lakeside and train station got the change it needed, it felt empty before.
And I'm excited for more Lore and secrets to find in future chapters.

It took me a few days.
but I made a guide, for the 100% completionist.
Spoilers a head, it's very big.

It has:
1-1 True End Summery
All Achievements
All Dead Ends
All Side Quests
All Coins and Runes
and many more Secrets

Hope you guys enjoy it.

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

hey thanks for the guide. could you tell me how you inferred the code for the second and third gate from the spikes? the first gate makes sense but for the last two i can't see the relationship with the spike order.

well, the second one makes sense if you count from bottom to top, but the last... how can the center right square be a 5?


The position of the numbers has changed.

It's not the usual phone number layout.

You can see it in game before you enter the spike mini game.

thanks for the reply. see it where, precisely?

Sorry for the late reply, but the layout is shown right there.

It's a bit dim but it's there.

i can see it. thanks


Great story here; super excited for the other chapters! :D

Off to buy the supporter pack. ;)


Thank you very much! ^^


This is a space to discuss Paper Lily. From now on we will remove off-topic comments, especially personal attacks on each other. Thank you for your understanding!

how do u get throught the maze?? (,:

i presume that you know which direction the signs should be pointing at. draw the maze out on a paper.

if u really can't handle it, i recommend you look at the walkthrough. 

(3 edits)

i thought the burnt person was depiction of young miss knives. 

edit) and right. thinking about it, miss knives wasn't burned

I'm kinda noob and only got 2 endings so far in roughly 2 hours, but it's been so much fun!! I love the visuals and little Lacie, oh poor girl 🥺

I need to find the runes that I have to give to rune but I don't know where they are, can someone tell me where they are?

(4 edits) (+1)


you can get them by: kicking the broken vending machine inside the train station, inspecting the area behind the hollow tree with mirror in the forest, inspecting two rabbit holes in the lakeside, and inspecting the well in the facility.

if you still struggle, you can search for the achievements guide.

you can get to true end without giving any runes

how to pass the stuffed rabbit toy thing? i tried to go left or right but it didnt work and on the way back there was nothing so no other way than continuing forward but the stuffed toy is there and it kills me so please help me

you shouldn't.  when the stuffed rabbit is there, it means you can't go there anymore. after completing miss knives, there is no going back

(1 edit) (+1)

hiiro is such a cutie 10/10 for just hiiro existing (even if he possibly killed lacie in one of the dead ends!!)

Hey there I played the whole game for this update and it was AMAZING! I loved it so much it's just so good for RPG Maker Horror games! Thanks for working on the game and I can't wait for chapter 2! Best of luck on it! Btw I found all the endings throughout my playthrough and also found the doorknob fragments and all achievements, they were all very fun to find even if hard sometimes but definitely satisfying to do!

Started my first run as soon as i heard its out, loving it so far and cant wait to play again after i get some work done xD

i had to cut the video but will definetly continue!!!

My second episode on Paper Lily! what an amazing and lovely game!!


I am really enjoying your game and love you sooo much~♥️

I'm stuck at the train tracks with the skull symbol 


Cut the plant with scissor


Dried one~!


It doesn't matter.  Any plant shall do, as long as it is cut.


heyy! i've been enjoying playing this game but after i went to the person with a mask's house it keep saying not responding. i tried to leave the game and play it again but it doesnt work:(


She gives us a special portion~if not, maybe a bug?


IT ALR WORKS:3 and just finished the game yesterday! i just have to re download it again on steam bcs i download it in this website. luckily my save is still there so i dont need to play it again from the start

(2 edits) (+1)

I encountered a bug, a visual one, and not that affects the gameplay though. The pool at Ms. Knives' doesn't have any floating candles, when it's clearly saying that there is one on the dialogue.

Edit:  6 months after I played, came back for more, and still one of my favorites or rather... My number one, not exaggerating, it's just that I don't play that much games. This game peaked my interest though.


Good catch! The candles were removed, we'll get that fixed!


Found 5 endings before the true ending, love the game...

HELP I CANT FIND THE WAY OUT OF THE MAZE, the one with the flower petals, the maze is already stressing me out as is with the whole hiding and jumpscare to death, idk how much longer i can keep redoing and exploring the maze, can someone help me?


Instead of giving you the answer, imma give you a hint, GO NORTH.

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Hey, does someone got recommendations for the locked site? i've been trapped there trying to get the coins and the monster just kills me everytime...


An invisible timer counts down to Primal's attack. Hide in a bush and sit there for like 5 seconds each time you have an opportunity (I believe, hiding counts timer up instead of down).

I also don't run in the place, but haven't checked whether running has any effect .

(2 edits) (+1)

I tried it and based on my observations, it made the Primal, attack a bit earlier. And I think it's just the same distance covered by walking. 

Note: This is not confirmed and I don't trust myself. Maybe you could try it? 

im stuck on the daynight gate in the forest how do i open it


You can go look for the scissors in the train station, or solve the puzzle looking closely at the lamps.  A comment said that if you look at them like:

1    4

2    5

3    6

then the answer is 23461.


Loving the extra stuff so far!💖

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