If I had 1 word to describe this game, it'd be: AMAZING!
I have been trying to find some games like these since the reason I began hunting these sort of games is due to Nemlei's game called "The Coffin of Andy and Leyley".
and damn, the amount of effort LEAF has put to this game is honestly admirable. I thought this was like TCOAAL, but I was very wrong. Sure, both games have demons and stuff, but the purpose is a lot more intriguing.
{SPOILERS} The concept of a girl being supposedly cursed and wants it to be fixed is interesting by just this statement. Like, When she was a young age she also had a normal life, but as she grew older, she began wondering if she did something wrong to make the person oppose her, but later finding out she was cursed .. It's honestly interesting!
My overall rating for this game would probably be 10/10 ! But I'll also admit, Your other game called "Project: Kat" 's MC, which was Kat portrayed a much more interesting character than Lacie if we compare both. BUT nonetheless, this game is awesome! (especially love Sai and Runes character btw)
An amusing workpiece truthfully, enjoyed myself a variety of times through the adventure and I'm glad I got to play what's out so far. Looking forward future chapters! P.S: Facility zone truly made me grind my gears with some of the rng in function with some of the puzzles.
While there were some issues I had with this game, it was nothing that could sway my oppinion that this is a straight up 5 star game. Came here straight after playing project kat, and I must that that I am pleasantly not suprised. This continues the trends of the prologue, being a fantastic example of how pixel RPGs should be.
The art strikes yet again as professional in anime-esque levels; though I must say I miss the cute little tutorial sections! I'd go as far as to say that the pixel art and environments have actually somehow IMPROVED over project kat-they're so atmospheric and really set the mood! Both the background and some of the scenes in the game greatly remind me of Undertale, in the best ways possible; I'd even go as far as to say that-in the environment art direction- it tops Toby Fox's work. The lighting is just so immersive and stunning, only complimented by the music. Speaking of which, some tracks also had given me MAJOR Deja Vu from Undertale, particularly the Waterfall section; again I mean this is good spirits.
The story is yet again captivating; it has kept me interested throughout the whole game, and I have nothing that I could critique about it. So much so, that despite the issues I will soon discuss, I persisted through just to be able to experience the game myself.
Now, I must discuss the two issues I felt this game had.
First, a more logistical, possibly bug-related issue-the fuse puzzle in the facility. From what I tried, I could not trigger the elevator to work without "freeing" the monster(?). I know that some people HAVE found a way, as I was attempting to follow a walkthrough, however what they input, and what fixed the elevator for them did not do so for me. I searched further and found you CAN actually remove the "25" fuse and use it to fix the elevator and that seemed to work for me; with one small caviat-a frustrating 15 minutes or so of retrying a billion times getting killed by a shadow figure. Mainly, my main issues with this are:
1. The non-shadow figure solution would not work, despite seeing it work for others
2. With the shadow-figure option, and with some other parts of the game, I feel like the functions could be explained better in-game. For example, I didn't realise until lengthy trial and error that the "hide in the bushes" section relied on you waiting in the bush for longer than the beating stopped. Same for this particular issue, I feel like the game should've somehow clarified that it WAS possible to quickly get inside the elevator before the shadow figure kills you, instead of leaving the player guessing whether they're glitching the game or if it is impossible.
As for my second issue, it is regarding the spook-factor of this game. Now take what I am about to say with a grain of salt, as I do realise I may be de-sensetised to horror(I consume quite alot of it). But I must say that the game was more mysterious than scary. Yes, some parts were disturbing, but mostly only for the first time seeing them. Second of all, the many chase scenes proved to be more irritating over time than adrenaline boosting. One thing I CAN say was done well in the horror department, would have to be the few times you would see a creature at the peripheral of your field of view, only for it to dissapear the moment you move closer. The first couple times of getting killed by the shadow figures in the facility(before the fuse box issue) also got me a little; similarly to the fairy ring.
All in all though, despite the aforementioned issues, I thoroughly enjoyed the entirerty of this game and am looking forward to Chapter 2!
Hopefully they do get one... I wonder if it has Romance? Just a hint is fine... And as for Sai, I think he is probably a broken character... As to why he keeps risking his life and he doesn't even seem bothered when Lacie asked him to cut himself... Maybe one of the reason why he felt the need to help Lacie and tried to give her reasons to live... And well guess what we're getting to play as Lacie again in chapter 2 so hopefully we see Sai again~
I played this game twice already and it is great but the only frustrating part is when you get off the bus at the woods, both times I played, I couldn't figure it out and I quit playing and uninstalled it, can someone please help me understand how to get past that stage?
All you really need to do is change the way of the signs to point at ¹daylight gate, ²train station
The other one by the name of "secret" doesn't really matter. If you do not know where the signs are, there's a path like thingy that goes up right next to the bus station that you get off from. The puzzles further on can be confusing but you can always search them up or ask someone who has completed the game for clues nd hints.
i really love the game, but something happend, i was in the end of the game and closed the game for awhile cause i couldnt pass the phase so i was waiting for my boyfriend to come to my house so he could help me, after like a week when i returned to the game it had resarted and idk why :(
Your character, has perpetual bad luck and Bad Juju. Runes tells us that its 1000 years of bad luck to talk about "it".
... is that the explaination. Did we literally get told the grand plot? In some past life or whatever, our chatacter talked about something and earned themselves 1000 years bad luck?
Cause like... that would be hilarious. The entire plot revealed in act one, by the joke character, as part of a joke
Ahh maybe that's why I'm getting attached to Lacie and Sai and it's not a copy its just sometimes the character design tends to look the same due to hair colour, eye colour etc
i love this game so much (sai best boi). the entire interface, art, the dialogue box in itself is gorgeous and how beautifully (and hilariously) written the dialogues are at times fuel MY soul. rune had me cackling. i forgot how much i paid you guys for this - maybe 10 bucks? but i'd spend 60 on this game i dunno, that's just how much i enjoyed it T_T
this is genuinly one of the best games ive ever played. and easily one of the best horror games ive played. it is just such a good game. everything from the story to the soundtrack (the one that plays at various parts like the forest after hopping of the bus). 10 dollars well deserved
(no spoilers) An absolutely amazing chapter 1! I don't even know where to begin- the story, the characters, the pacing, the mini games, the atmosphere and overall feeling of the game- incredible!! I love everything!
First of all I love the story, it's interesting and it's been presented so well, like the pacing is just really good. The characters are charming too, especially our MC Lacie, she's a gem <3 I love how some of the puzzles have multiple solutions which is so cool! And I noticed a lot of small details here and there which made interacting with the world and characters really fun and memorable <3 Speaking of the world, there was like 4 or 5 different locations in the entire game and I was like, isn't this a demo??? 4 to 5 locations, each being SO BIG- and it's only a demo!!??? BRUH This could have been the whole game and I wouldn't have been surprised, it was so long and so well made!! The locations were all so interesting, I really loved the last one and the place which had rabbits <3 Now, last but DEFINITELY NOT least! The art and music!!! AAAAAAAAA THE ART IS SO PRETTY I HAVE SO MANY SCREENSHOTS YOU HAVE NO IDEA!!! I adore every damn pixel of every damn scene, just beautiful! The music... I don't even have any words to describe it.... all the tracks fit their scenes so well, the game is already good but the music made it THAT much more memorable and lovely <3 Can't wait to listen to the entire ost on loop while I do stuff xD overall 10/10 can't wait to replay and hunt for things I may have missed on the first run!
(SPOILERS!!) Hiro is so sweet for being there for Lacie T^T but... how come he's the ONLY person that's been there for her... is it just me or is that kinda suspicious? ... hmm what if he's nice to her because he knows why she's cursed? what if... Hiro is the one that placed the curse on her in the first place?? .... I hope not T^T I want to believe Hiro is just a really good brother T^T also I simply could not figure out how to make the candle and broken lamp into a lamp lacy could carry through the dark forest. I gave up and just walked in, used the cell phone light. Then after discovering the dead hunter's skeleton, the phone ran out of charge. So I ended up walking through the rest of the maze in the dark xD idk HOW I did it but I somehow reached some fence at used the bolt cutter (from Rune) to cut through the fence and get out, I swear I had no idea where I was going. I somehow got out through sheer luck lmao Also! Miss Knives!! T^T I saw her back story and bruh it was so sad T^T I feel so bad for her... I hope she'll be fine now T^T I wonder who this Lilith is.. also why didn't Sai leave with us... I hope we see him again!
yep! you can, but you need to be standing in front of the fence, then use the bolt cutter on it from the items menu. You can get the bolt cutter after giving Rune some runes, I forgot how many you need to give him to get the bolt cutter, shouldn't be more than 3 though.
Yeah, we need to give Rune two runestones at the tree house. But to cross the blockade, it is recommended that you do not change the bolt cutters, keep one, and you can exchange some important tools with the runes in the backOwO
i love this game so much!!! im so sad it doesn't have a big fanbase so i cant scream about it to anyone... i kinda relate to lacie as well, so that makes me love it even more LOL i hope this game grows a loooot in the future ! ! ! ! ! can't wait for more chapters
I played this not knowing that it is Project Kat's sequel lol. Fantastic game, love the visuals and the puzzles. It seemed to be less of a horror game and more of an adventure game compared to its predecessor. Not exactly a bad thing. But if you are want to go for more of a horror feel, IMO, the battle scenes isn't really working out. I also love the character of Miss Knives. SPOILERS BELOW
I'm assuming that Lacie is kinda like Miss Knives? Is she a 'witch' as well that is possessed or cursed by a demon? Were they possessed by the same demon, Lilith? I'm also suspecting that Sai can't leave or that he lost his letter.....
this game is honestly amazing in almost every way I can imagine, from the storytelling, the characters, the world building, puzzles & soundtrack.
my only two problems were the painting lady ( which is the reason I gave up completing the demo ) she catches up way too fast in a way that's almost kind of insane- I understand it could be a me problem but I played it so many times to the point it is engrained in my memory ; and with this tied in also comes the movement in the character, the character moves fine if you want it to move a tiny bit to one side or the other but if you want to walk normally, it doesn't pick up on the pressing of the keys correctly, if you press for a while and stop to where you want it to stop, 9/10 it will continue going before walking into a wall and walking in place unlike every game out there, doesn't matter what game you play you can press hard on the button or lightly and it'll move- and stop when you stop pressing it but here it doesn't do that ??
other than this, this game is phenomenal and beautifully crafted and you can just see the love, care and thought that was placed into it so delicately- I am definitely looking forward to playing more of it. :)
Although I haven't had much of a problem escaping the painting lady, I do agree that there should've been a way to skip the chase all together like how other puzzles and events are skippable. Honestly, I feel like there should've been a way to use the lighter or something on the painting to skip the chase or maybe slow it down to make it more easier to do.
Yes 100% agree ! Actually you can use the lighter on the painting but it doesn't slow her down at all, it doesn't really do anything, so it's better to take her eye and try to complete the run than to use the lighter where you're left with nothing. Hopefully they can make her pace a little more adaptable in the future or can make her pace change during moments, like making her go fast on the straight halls but go a little slower on the corners. :)
Instead of just having a flat out option for it to be skippable, I personally hope that there would be a catch to it, where using the lighter would skip the chase scene while using something like a knife would make the chase easier but that it would prevent the eye from being obtain. Which should really matter since there are two other places to obtain another eye.
an amazing experience of an RPG Game i had in a while. The soundtrack is amazing. The atmosphere is Mysterious. The Art is amazing. an amazing 2 Hour Experience that all Rpg maker player can cherish. Definitely a must play if u like Omori,Undertale Yume Nikki and Ib.
The Puzzles is easy and simple. the Enemy (the shadow that spawn) is my only downside of the game. the shadow just stand and block ur path so u just need to keep rejoining the room just to make it disappear. Aside from that there really is nothing to complain. the fight for Mrs Knife is also quite challenging but it is still a fun experience
The devs haven’t exactly confirmed why it’s a demo, but another possibility is that they call it that because so far Ch.1 only has 1 ending. The next update will introduce a few more (around 10 I think
This is the best and longest game I have ever played. Props to the people who worked on this. I can't wait for chapter 2 to come out. I am amazed by the story line and also the amount of effort on the details they made. Thank you for creating this master piece!
can someone tell me how to unflood the pathways? (at the part with the fuses) I solved the math thingy and got the gate open but can't figure out how to unlock the doors or unflood anything and I'm stuck lol. I absolutely adore this game tho and don't wanna quit!
This game was enjoyable, even though it's quite challenging. To be honest, towards the end of the game, there was a boss fight that proved to be the most difficult thing I've ever encountered in a game. Surprisingly, even though that fight was just sucks I'm eagerly looking forward to Chapter 2!
iM SO HAPPYY!! I love this game since Project Kat!!
everything is so perfect! i love the graphics, the scenarios, the characters! (Sai, i love him) keep the good work, i´ll always make fanarts of this masterpiece!
Kat was much better character than this blonde girl, I didn't even remember her name how boring she is. And yes I skipped the final battle. I finished the game 5 minutes ago and I already forget a name of main hero. God how boring she was. What's her name -- Lilly?
The patterns are the same, so it's just muscle memory. The course of action would be to try to memorise them. The majority of people passed the final battle, it is tested.
As for the rest of your comments: This game, let alone this first chapter are not even finished yet, you are playing an "early" version of it. There are a lot of unused items as of now and different routes to take as well. Instead of complaining about the "unused" items try to make up your mind how you might use it for a different future route ;) Or alternatively wait for the full release of it, then these issues hopefully won't exist anymore.
Please for any future games and such, read the description. A lot of developers warn players that the game might not be finished and still has unused features etc.
God the game is so frustrating. If you make such hard game, at least make official walk-trough too. Why there are so many unused items, what's the point? A wait number ticked, a candle from a statue, potato chips, a bucket, valves and so on.
The game needs much more clear objectives and item descriptions. Plus mini-games are too hard, what is point to add them if the only way to pass it skipping them? Like some mini-games require reaction time less than 1 second.
And please remove Sai from the game, he is way too clingy.
Other than the number ticket or the bucket which would probably have a purpose in the full release, every other item you mention serves a purpose as another route/path.
The candle is part of a route as a way to skip finding the keys and doing that dark forest area and the valves is way to drain the water instead of having to solve the elevator problem. There are also several other item that have uses too, the only exception are the ticket, the bucket, and the fish. Assuming that the fireplace puzzle is difficult for you, I doubt that you will understand how to do the potion route and most likely missed the majority of characters in the forest.
Plus, other than the several chases in the game, I don't see any of the mini-games being that difficult and that it's probably the device you're playing on is slow or that it's just you. Either way, if this is considered to be a hard game for you, then you haven't played many horror RPG games.
The game isn't so hard, you just need to understand things and use your brain, the objectives are pretty clear if you use your brain, Sai is an amazing character, hell, maybe he's clingy, but the fact that he didn't sacrifice us was a good thing, removing him would pretty much destroy the game, as he was there to help the mc that she could change, and him feeling comfortable with her was something new for her, as only her brother had felt that way with her.
The minigames are fun, they might be complicated, but, that's what makes them so fun, you can always skip them if you are not good enough to beat them. Potato chips are used on so many ways, the bucket is also useful, valves are pretty important too. If it's too hard for you, you can always just quit or follow a guide, I've seen good guides online.
I love the game so much!! my only problem is that my saved file got corrupted?? I was halfway through the game and I dont think I want to restart my progress. Anyone knows how to solve this??
The game isn't actually that long since it is a demo so it would be easier to restart. Don't know about what is causing the save file to get corrupted, but pretty sure it would just take longer to fix that. Plus, since this game is just a demo, you would still going to have to restart for the other routes and endings.
← Return to game
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I NEED Chapter 2. I love this game.
If I had 1 word to describe this game, it'd be: AMAZING!
I have been trying to find some games like these since the reason I began hunting these sort of games is due to Nemlei's game called "The Coffin of Andy and Leyley".
and damn, the amount of effort LEAF has put to this game is honestly admirable. I thought this was like TCOAAL, but I was very wrong. Sure, both games have demons and stuff, but the purpose is a lot more intriguing.
The concept of a girl being supposedly cursed and wants it to be fixed is interesting by just this statement. Like, When she was a young age she also had a normal life, but as she grew older, she began wondering if she did something wrong to make the person oppose her, but later finding out she was cursed .. It's honestly interesting!
My overall rating for this game would probably be 10/10 !
But I'll also admit, Your other game called "Project: Kat" 's MC, which was Kat portrayed a much more interesting character than Lacie if we compare both.
BUT nonetheless, this game is awesome! (especially love Sai and Runes character btw)
also love the Kat Easter Egg !
An amusing workpiece truthfully, enjoyed myself a variety of times through the adventure and I'm glad I got to play what's out so far. Looking forward future chapters! P.S: Facility zone truly made me grind my gears with some of the rng in function with some of the puzzles.
While there were some issues I had with this game, it was nothing that could sway my oppinion that this is a straight up 5 star game. Came here straight after playing project kat, and I must that that I am pleasantly not suprised. This continues the trends of the prologue, being a fantastic example of how pixel RPGs should be.
The art strikes yet again as professional in anime-esque levels; though I must say I miss the cute little tutorial sections! I'd go as far as to say that the pixel art and environments have actually somehow IMPROVED over project kat-they're so atmospheric and really set the mood! Both the background and some of the scenes in the game greatly remind me of Undertale, in the best ways possible; I'd even go as far as to say that-in the environment art direction- it tops Toby Fox's work. The lighting is just so immersive and stunning, only complimented by the music. Speaking of which, some tracks also had given me MAJOR Deja Vu from Undertale, particularly the Waterfall section; again I mean this is good spirits.
The story is yet again captivating; it has kept me interested throughout the whole game, and I have nothing that I could critique about it. So much so, that despite the issues I will soon discuss, I persisted through just to be able to experience the game myself.
Now, I must discuss the two issues I felt this game had.
First, a more logistical, possibly bug-related issue-the fuse puzzle in the facility. From what I tried, I could not trigger the elevator to work without "freeing" the monster(?). I know that some people HAVE found a way, as I was attempting to follow a walkthrough, however what they input, and what fixed the elevator for them did not do so for me. I searched further and found you CAN actually remove the "25" fuse and use it to fix the elevator and that seemed to work for me; with one small caviat-a frustrating 15 minutes or so of retrying a billion times getting killed by a shadow figure. Mainly, my main issues with this are: 1. The non-shadow figure solution would not work, despite seeing it work for others
2. With the shadow-figure option, and with some other parts of the game, I feel like the functions could be explained better in-game. For example, I didn't realise until lengthy trial and error that the "hide in the bushes" section relied on you waiting in the bush for longer than the beating stopped. Same for this particular issue, I feel like the game should've somehow clarified that it WAS possible to quickly get inside the elevator before the shadow figure kills you, instead of leaving the player guessing whether they're glitching the game or if it is impossible.
As for my second issue, it is regarding the spook-factor of this game. Now take what I am about to say with a grain of salt, as I do realise I may be de-sensetised to horror(I consume quite alot of it). But I must say that the game was more mysterious than scary. Yes, some parts were disturbing, but mostly only for the first time seeing them. Second of all, the many chase scenes proved to be more irritating over time than adrenaline boosting. One thing I CAN say was done well in the horror department, would have to be the few times you would see a creature at the peripheral of your field of view, only for it to dissapear the moment you move closer. The first couple times of getting killed by the shadow figures in the facility(before the fuse box issue) also got me a little; similarly to the fairy ring.
All in all though, despite the aforementioned issues, I thoroughly enjoyed the entirerty of this game and am looking forward to Chapter 2!
(PS. Rune is just ADORABLE)
!!TW SPOILERS!! (please don't read this comment untill you've finished the game it could spoil the fun)
Please tell me we get a happy ending with Sai, cuz when he left a part of my heart left aswell 😞
There’s no other endings yet. More will be introduced in v1.1
Hopefully they do get one... I wonder if it has Romance? Just a hint is fine... And as for Sai, I think he is probably a broken character... As to why he keeps risking his life and he doesn't even seem bothered when Lacie asked him to cut himself... Maybe one of the reason why he felt the need to help Lacie and tried to give her reasons to live... And well guess what we're getting to play as Lacie again in chapter 2 so hopefully we see Sai again~
no please no romance, please. they are just friends 😅
Always room for future development XD
(i litterally cried for 10 hours staright because of the ending T-T
I played this game twice already and it is great but the only frustrating part is when you get off the bus at the woods, both times I played, I couldn't figure it out and I quit playing and uninstalled it, can someone please help me understand how to get past that stage?
All you really need to do is change the way of the signs to point at ¹daylight gate, ²train station
The other one by the name of "secret" doesn't really matter. If you do not know where the signs are, there's a path like thingy that goes up right next to the bus station that you get off from. The puzzles further on can be confusing but you can always search them up or ask someone who has completed the game for clues nd hints.
Truly an amazing experience! One of my favourite RPG games
i'm pretty sure it was made with Godot?
yes i think so
Ooh i thought all rpg games were made with rpgmaker mb. Still great game regardless c:
it was made with godot
i really love the game, but something happend, i was in the end of the game and closed the game for awhile cause i couldnt pass the phase so i was waiting for my boyfriend to come to my house so he could help me, after like a week when i returned to the game it had resarted and idk why :(
love it love it love the puzzles were hard but i loved it
Wait.... WAIT....
Your character, has perpetual bad luck and Bad Juju.
Runes tells us that its 1000 years of bad luck to talk about "it".
... is that the explaination. Did we literally get told the grand plot? In some past life or whatever, our chatacter talked about something and earned themselves 1000 years bad luck?
Cause like... that would be hilarious. The entire plot revealed in act one, by the joke character, as part of a joke
? I don't think so. Aren't the characters very different??????
yes they are, the only thing alike its that the girl is blonde and have blue eyes, but its not even the same shade of blonde
they are very alike but also very different
Ahh maybe that's why I'm getting attached to Lacie and Sai and it's not a copy its just sometimes the character design tends to look the same due to hair colour, eye colour etc
Amazing game, thank you <3
I'm very excited for Chapter 2, I'll be waiting for it
i love this game so much (sai best boi). the entire interface, art, the dialogue box in itself is gorgeous and how beautifully (and hilariously) written the dialogues are at times fuel MY soul. rune had me cackling. i forgot how much i paid you guys for this - maybe 10 bucks? but i'd spend 60 on this game i dunno, that's just how much i enjoyed it T_T
What a great story!! TwT
I really like the characters! Especially the heroine! Hope we don't change it in Chapter 2 QwQ
Production team come on!!OvO
this is genuinly one of the best games ive ever played. and easily one of the best horror games ive played. it is just such a good game. everything from the story to the soundtrack (the one that plays at various parts like the forest after hopping of the bus). 10 dollars well deserved
(no spoilers)
An absolutely amazing chapter 1! I don't even know where to begin- the story, the characters, the pacing, the mini games, the atmosphere and overall feeling of the game- incredible!! I love everything!
First of all I love the story, it's interesting and it's been presented so well, like the pacing is just really good. The characters are charming too, especially our MC Lacie, she's a gem <3
I love how some of the puzzles have multiple solutions which is so cool! And I noticed a lot of small details here and there which made interacting with the world and characters really fun and memorable <3
Speaking of the world, there was like 4 or 5 different locations in the entire game and I was like, isn't this a demo??? 4 to 5 locations, each being SO BIG- and it's only a demo!!??? BRUH This could have been the whole game and I wouldn't have been surprised, it was so long and so well made!! The locations were all so interesting, I really loved the last one and the place which had rabbits <3
Now, last but DEFINITELY NOT least! The art and music!!! AAAAAAAAA THE ART IS SO PRETTY I HAVE SO MANY SCREENSHOTS YOU HAVE NO IDEA!!! I adore every damn pixel of every damn scene, just beautiful! The music... I don't even have any words to describe it.... all the tracks fit their scenes so well, the game is already good but the music made it THAT much more memorable and lovely <3 Can't wait to listen to the entire ost on loop while I do stuff xD
overall 10/10 can't wait to replay and hunt for things I may have missed on the first run!
Hiro is so sweet for being there for Lacie T^T but... how come he's the ONLY person that's been there for her... is it just me or is that kinda suspicious? ... hmm what if he's nice to her because he knows why she's cursed? what if... Hiro is the one that placed the curse on her in the first place?? .... I hope not T^T I want to believe Hiro is just a really good brother T^T
also I simply could not figure out how to make the candle and broken lamp into a lamp lacy could carry through the dark forest. I gave up and just walked in, used the cell phone light. Then after discovering the dead hunter's skeleton, the phone ran out of charge. So I ended up walking through the rest of the maze in the dark xD idk HOW I did it but I somehow reached some fence at used the bolt cutter (from Rune) to cut through the fence and get out, I swear I had no idea where I was going. I somehow got out through sheer luck lmao
Also! Miss Knives!! T^T I saw her back story and bruh it was so sad T^T I feel so bad for her... I hope she'll be fine now T^T
I wonder who this Lilith is.. also why didn't Sai leave with us... I hope we see him again!
also I forgot to mention, the game's page lied to me, they said this is around 4 hours, I somehow spent 7 hours in this game xD
wait, u can cut the wire fence? ..
yep! you can, but you need to be standing in front of the fence, then use the bolt cutter on it from the items menu. You can get the bolt cutter after giving Rune some runes, I forgot how many you need to give him to get the bolt cutter, shouldn't be more than 3 though.
Yeah, we need to give Rune two runestones at the tree house. But to cross the blockade, it is recommended that you do not change the bolt cutters, keep one, and you can exchange some important tools with the runes in the backOwO
Good evening, could you provide a translation into Brazilian Portuguese?
i love this game so much!!! im so sad it doesn't have a big fanbase so i cant scream about it to anyone... i kinda relate to lacie as well, so that makes me love it even more LOL i hope this game grows a loooot in the future ! ! ! ! ! can't wait for more chapters
I played this not knowing that it is Project Kat's sequel lol. Fantastic game, love the visuals and the puzzles. It seemed to be less of a horror game and more of an adventure game compared to its predecessor. Not exactly a bad thing. But if you are want to go for more of a horror feel, IMO, the battle scenes isn't really working out. I also love the character of Miss Knives.
I'm assuming that Lacie is kinda like Miss Knives? Is she a 'witch' as well that is possessed or cursed by a demon? Were they possessed by the same demon, Lilith? I'm also suspecting that Sai can't leave or that he lost his letter.....
Looking forward to the next chapters!
what a game!!!
i loved every min! cant wait for chatper 2!! when do it come
game awesome, can't wait for full chapter
this game is honestly amazing in almost every way I can imagine, from the storytelling, the characters, the world building, puzzles & soundtrack.
my only two problems were the painting lady ( which is the reason I gave up completing the demo ) she catches up way too fast in a way that's almost kind of insane- I understand it could be a me problem but I played it so many times to the point it is engrained in my memory ; and with this tied in also comes the movement in the character, the character moves fine if you want it to move a tiny bit to one side or the other but if you want to walk normally, it doesn't pick up on the pressing of the keys correctly, if you press for a while and stop to where you want it to stop, 9/10 it will continue going before walking into a wall and walking in place unlike every game out there, doesn't matter what game you play you can press hard on the button or lightly and it'll move- and stop when you stop pressing it but here it doesn't do that ??
other than this, this game is phenomenal and beautifully crafted and you can just see the love, care and thought that was placed into it so delicately- I am definitely looking forward to playing more of it. :)
Although I haven't had much of a problem escaping the painting lady, I do agree that there should've been a way to skip the chase all together like how other puzzles and events are skippable. Honestly, I feel like there should've been a way to use the lighter or something on the painting to skip the chase or maybe slow it down to make it more easier to do.
Yes 100% agree ! Actually you can use the lighter on the painting but it doesn't slow her down at all, it doesn't really do anything, so it's better to take her eye and try to complete the run than to use the lighter where you're left with nothing. Hopefully they can make her pace a little more adaptable in the future or can make her pace change during moments, like making her go fast on the straight halls but go a little slower on the corners. :)
The option to skip it will be introduced in v1.1 (the next update), along with some new endings
Instead of just having a flat out option for it to be skippable, I personally hope that there would be a catch to it, where using the lighter would skip the chase scene while using something like a knife would make the chase easier but that it would prevent the eye from being obtain. Which should really matter since there are two other places to obtain another eye.
an amazing experience of an RPG Game i had in a while. The soundtrack is amazing. The atmosphere is Mysterious. The Art is amazing. an amazing 2 Hour Experience that all Rpg maker player can cherish. Definitely a must play if u like Omori,Undertale Yume Nikki and Ib.
The Puzzles is easy and simple.
the Enemy (the shadow that spawn) is my only downside of the game.
the shadow just stand and block ur path so u just need to keep rejoining the room just to make it disappear.
Aside from that there really is nothing to complain.
the fight for Mrs Knife is also quite challenging but it is still a fun experience
is it? bc the file still said Demo.
I haven’t played it yet, but my guess is that it says that since it’s chapter one
The devs haven’t exactly confirmed why it’s a demo, but another possibility is that they call it that because so far Ch.1 only has 1 ending. The next update will introduce a few more (around 10 I think
The prologue has more ending, just that the routes are shorter
Perfection (ngl some violin would hit hard in the main menu theme) SAI IS THE GOAT
im so sad that sai didn't come with us :( anyways I love this game
This is the best and longest game I have ever played. Props to the people who worked on this. I can't wait for chapter 2 to come out. I am amazed by the story line and also the amount of effort on the details they made. Thank you for creating this master piece!
Looks like this is the only game you ever played. Welcome to the gaming world.
This is just a demo...
boi i dont care! its cool.
1. That previous reply was referring to lilkidnini‘s original comment.
2. What I was saying is that Chapter 1 is currently a demo and the full Chapter is not even complete yet.
can someone tell me how to unflood the pathways? (at the part with the fuses) I solved the math thingy and got the gate open but can't figure out how to unlock the doors or unflood anything and I'm stuck lol. I absolutely adore this game tho and don't wanna quit!
If you haven’t solved it yet, you can check out a guide I mentioned on my previous comments (I’m not the creator of the guide btw, Winger785 is)
tysm :D
You probably solve it by now, but all you need is the 3 valves to unflood the pathways.
One of the best games I've ever played honestly. Can't wait for chapter two<3
You mean the full version of Chapter 1?
Chapter 2 won't be coming out until Chapter 1 is complete.
This game was enjoyable, even though it's quite challenging. To be honest, towards the end of the game, there was a boss fight that proved to be the most difficult thing I've ever encountered in a game. Surprisingly, even though that fight was just sucks I'm eagerly looking forward to Chapter 2!
Chapter 1 is not even complete yet
i loved it, cant wait for the actual release
iM SO HAPPYY!! I love this game since Project Kat!!
everything is so perfect! i love the graphics, the scenarios, the characters! (Sai, i love him) keep the good work, i´ll always make fanarts of this masterpiece!
Kat was much better character than this blonde girl, I didn't even remember her name how boring she is. And yes I skipped the final battle.
I finished the game 5 minutes ago and I already forget a name of main hero. God how boring she was. What's her name -- Lilly?
Kat >>>>> Lilly.
HEY DEVS ANSWER ME. I want to break my PC from frustration.
The patterns are the same, so it's just muscle memory. The course of action would be to try to memorise them.
The majority of people passed the final battle, it is tested.
As for the rest of your comments: This game, let alone this first chapter are not even finished yet, you are playing an "early" version of it. There are a lot of unused items as of now and different routes to take as well. Instead of complaining about the "unused" items try to make up your mind how you might use it for a different future route ;)
Or alternatively wait for the full release of it, then these issues hopefully won't exist anymore.
Please for any future games and such, read the description. A lot of developers warn players that the game might not be finished and still has unused features etc.
Have a nice day.
God the game is so frustrating. If you make such hard game, at least make official walk-trough too.
Why there are so many unused items, what's the point? A wait number ticked, a candle from a statue, potato chips, a bucket, valves and so on.
The game needs much more clear objectives and item descriptions. Plus mini-games are too hard, what is point to add them if the only way to pass it skipping them? Like some mini-games require reaction time less than 1 second.
And please remove Sai from the game, he is way too clingy.
p.s. feck the fireplace puzzle. The worst one.
Other than the number ticket or the bucket which would probably have a purpose in the full release, every other item you mention serves a purpose as another route/path.
The candle is part of a route as a way to skip finding the keys and doing that dark forest area and the valves is way to drain the water instead of having to solve the elevator problem. There are also several other item that have uses too, the only exception are the ticket, the bucket, and the fish.
Assuming that the fireplace puzzle is difficult for you, I doubt that you will understand how to do the potion route and most likely missed the majority of characters in the forest.
Plus, other than the several chases in the game, I don't see any of the mini-games being that difficult and that it's probably the device you're playing on is slow or that it's just you.
Either way, if this is considered to be a hard game for you, then you haven't played many horror RPG games.
The game isn't so hard, you just need to understand things and use your brain, the objectives are pretty clear if you use your brain, Sai is an amazing character, hell, maybe he's clingy, but the fact that he didn't sacrifice us was a good thing, removing him would pretty much destroy the game, as he was there to help the mc that she could change, and him feeling comfortable with her was something new for her, as only her brother had felt that way with her.
The minigames are fun, they might be complicated, but, that's what makes them so fun, you can always skip them if you are not good enough to beat them. Potato chips are used on so many ways, the bucket is also useful, valves are pretty important too. If it's too hard for you, you can always just quit or follow a guide, I've seen good guides online.
I love the game so much!! my only problem is that my saved file got corrupted?? I was halfway through the game and I dont think I want to restart my progress. Anyone knows how to solve this??
please respond if you can ❣❣(❁´◡`❁)
The game isn't actually that long since it is a demo so it would be easier to restart. Don't know about what is causing the save file to get corrupted, but pretty sure it would just take longer to fix that.
Plus, since this game is just a demo, you would still going to have to restart for the other routes and endings.
Alright! thanks for responding
Just saying I wish I could have protected Miss Knives before she went through all of those terrible things.🥲
I also predicted the girl who gave me the potion was Kat, but I wonder what happened for her to get there?
I cannot find the words to describe how amazing this is.
The plot, the characters, the mechanics, the graphics, the music... Everything is so perfect. Lost track of time while playing this gem.
Can't wait to play chapter 2!
After Chapter 1 is complete