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Hello there, I played your game. I must say, it's one of the best rpgs I've played in terms of 2d, this type of genre. Please keep up the great work.
Some puzzles were kind of obscure.

 Also I did not use all the valves, I don't think it had an effect on the story? Oh, the knife part kinda pissed me off, I would not be stabbing myself or eat the bird, lowkey I'd stab the bullies in them dreams.

You can stab the bullies if you take knife dont stab self walk to them open inventory and use the knife.

unfortunately you need to have the events play out as they originally did to gain the orbs

i want merch

this game is pretty good but the bus apparently changed its phone number or smth idk cuz it wont let me dial the number ?

idk i have tried to dial it so many times but it just beeps for a while as if i hadnt gotten it correctly

pls help ;-;

are you sure you’re calling it during the night?

if you are and it still doesn’t work, then the next thing that comes to my mind is that you remember the wrong layout, so i’ll show it to you:

1   2   3

4   5   6

7   8   9

*    0   #

and you need to call 999281#0 or 99281#0 (I’m not sure which one)

If that doesn’t work, the last thing i can think of is that you’re entering the numbers on your keyboard, when you’re supposed to chose them by the arrow keys and confirming with enter

ohh thanks i thought the layout was
9 8 7
6 5 4
3 2 1
* 0 #

or something like that idk

Even the ritual instruction hinted to remember the layout.
Also, what phone has the layout counting down from 9?


I absolutely adore this game! It's creepy and fun and has such a good story and art style. I'm super thankful for the skip options, especially toward the end of chp 1. My poor arthritic fingers could only try so many times before locking up lol.  Definitely looking forward to whatever else you put out!

I love this game and I never really leave comments but I'm kind of stuck in the facility and I'm wondering if anyone has had a similar issue. I've read all the walkthroughs and I'm just unsure of what to do.

So I need the 20 fuse, its on the other side of the gate in the medical room. I know that the key is on that book shelf in the room with all of the boxes but whenever I go to the bookshelf it just says there's empty books. I've looked everywhere else in the facility and its not there either. Has anyone else encountered this issue, or does the key maybe appear in different locations? Anything helps, thanks!

Have you tried following this guide? I myself tried it and I had no problems. One thing I do know, is that it always appears on the same location.

Or maybe you need to unscrew the vent (If you have a screwdriver)

This could be wrong though as I’m only writing this from memory

Thank you! I eventually found it, I think something was just weird with my computer because when I restarted my computer and re-opened the game I found it.

Here's the 2nd part

I didn't make much progress here but eventually I will

Hello! I just wanted to inform you, that if you play one game after the other (Project Kat and Paper Lily), their saves stack on each other. What I mean is that a save from one  game will appear in the other, which confused me for a second. It's okay and it's not causing any problems, other than a need to overwrite one save from the previous game, so I guess it would be a problem fro someone who made many of them in the  1nd game, didnt finished it, and tried the 2nd one, but I also don't think it's quite as common to occure. Either way, I hope it helps you in any way. Also, I love both of the games, I just ended Project Kat and it genouinely spooked me like three times haha

That was fun, but anyway, have a great day!!! <3

(1 edit)

I’m pretty sure this is intentional. I’m guessing when they release all chapters they will combine all of them into a single app, and if it was all saved in a different folder, it would make a mess which is one thing no game dev wants. (coming from a game dev) I could be wrong though

Yeah, sounds about right. Especially considering that Project Kat's true ending allows you to create a save slot for Paper Lily Chapter 1 which you can use to start the game


I have no money for playing the next chapter, and my steam account got hacked, so i won't be able to play the chapter 2. But, i'll be happy to watch a random guy playing the game art u created.


So you mean ManlyBadassHero. If so Manly isnt a random guy hes a Badass Hero. But ya he played project cat so im guessing hes going to play it at some point.


Words cannot express how phenomenal this game is... And it's made by two people?! I can't wait for the next chapters! Amazing work!! :D


ITS GOOD is just that i cant feed the birds even though i have the food

Put the food in the bird feeder

go menu-item-bird food


tap while looking to the bird

ok thank you i will try that


So, I was talking to some online friends about the game. And I've realized that, I'm not ready to die. It's the first time in years, four years to be exact, that I say that. It's the first time I feel like it's true. And I'm so thankful, the game helped me realize that I have so much left, that I have so many people who love me, and I feel so blessed. I'm literally crying right now, but I'm not sad. I'm actually happy. 

The game ended up being a lifesaver to me, and this isn't my first comment, but even after I've played it over a month ago, I can't get it out of my head. That's how much impact it had on me, again, thank you so much.


Love this! Touching story, beautifully executed

I'm excited for the next chapter ^^


This is the BEST INDIE GAME i have played after years!


Which one?


This is the best rpg maker game i've ever played, it's just so rich in everything. I love it, I can't wait for the next chapter


Love the presentation and polish, but I must say that I've never found myself more stuck playing a game as I did this one.  I'm not sure if that's a me problem, but half of the time I found myself looking for a guide to point me in the right direction.

Apparently I'm stuck on the fuse puzzle part. I've put the correct fuses into their respected places and it seems that the game doesn't progress any further. This happens on my second play tho. Thanks and keep up the good work!


Well, you must use the sum of these two math problems. Try finding all fuses and power the elevator by using "40+10" and "20-15"
If you are having problems, try using this guide


Does this game have Chinese?


alguien sabe si ya esta disponible en español


I just got registered on Itch.IO just to say that your games is masterpiece! They are giving embrassing game expirience and We are waiting for your Steam release, hope that you won't give up.


I liked the characters and the overall setting of this game. Lacie and Sai played well off each other. Despite some of the puzzles being vague in their execution I thoroughly enjoyed this game.

Absolutely amazing work! I've played/watched playthroughs of many, many similar games in the same genre and this is the best one yet. Design, production quality, story and especially gameplay are all absolutely top. My only criticism would be hidden items like the extra eye next to the bookshelf in ms.knives manison, it's obnoxious to check every corner. I was also too dumb for some of the (optional) puzzles but that's likely a "me problem".


absolutely amazing this is the first rpg horror game that make me play until the end mean i rlly love this game i love the graphic and the char style and ofc the story oh i rlly wish chapter 2 coming earlier after playing this game i also playing project kat paper lily prologue nice game keep ur spirit on making the game im waiting for full game with patience   ;)   :^

I can't play it in my computer. Is there a certain computer specification required?

Finished the game in about 5 hours. Liked it a lot. Looking forward to seeing more of the characters and story.

100/100 👏

pretty much the game was long and creepy and fun


maybe sai is red..? orrr idk





no black characters?


no bitches?

unfortunately it ain’t that kinda game 

(1 edit) (+2)

this is like asking why there are no black or asian characters in slavonic mythology. if the devs didn't put in black characters in a game, it's not that the devs are racist by excluding minorities. it's because race has nothing to do with anything.

you would know the world is a better place when People starts casting black characters into a media because they want to instead of forcing them in just so the media can be "politically correct"

the key's are confusing on where it suppost to go (hope they will update that)


this game is sooo good!! with the horros but still cute graphics I LOVE IT <3


This game is so fun I loved the story, the art, and the game play keep up the amazing work!


I played project kat and i loved the game a lot, then i saw this and i had to play it and i loved it. Can't wait for chapter 2

(2 edits)

Hey does anybody know where to find a new head for kozmo or is it an unfinished event?

Also has anybody found a use for the jar or ticket?

On the left side of the artist's house entrance or in Red's house.

I already tried interacting with the rock inside reds house and the pots next to artists house, but didn’t do anything.

There are two options for Kozmo's head, as was said. As for the jar, you can use it instead of the lamp to collect fireflies with a bug net (give one rune to Rune to obtain it)

You probably got a bug, since the new head is the pot to the right of the hand-shaped pot in front of the house. Did you by chance knock on Kozmo's head before finishing their conversation?

Nice reference to Mix Ore (Maybe)....

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